15. Silent Confession || Tsuchigomori

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This is a request guys! It's a Tsuchigomori X teacher reader. BTW reader doesn't know that Tsuchigomori is a mystery.

Sorry this took long and I've been breaking my three upload promise heeheh.

Also I'll use Tsuchi instead of his full since its tiring to use.

I'm not pretty sure If I got his personality tho.

F7ck I'm clueless what to do.

Never in his whole life he thought that he'd fall in love. With a human nevertheless.

At first he denied it so hard, going as far as acting like a mean person he is to you, ignoring and dissing you but that clearly wasn't enough.

You always smiled at him, acting like an angel you are and that made him guilty for acting like a bitch to you when you did nothing but be nice to him.

Yes, that made him like you more, it made him fall in love with you more but he knew the consequences.

He knew that a human and a supernatural wasn't meant to be, the other will pass away and the other will be left with this sinking empty feeling drilled into their dead hearts.

They may be dead but that doesn't mean that their feelings are too.

That's why he doesn't want anything involving you but...you're a magnet, a strong magnet that pulled his cold steel heart into it's grasp.

He couldn't escape even he wants to, ironic isn't it?

He's turned into the weak ass butterfly that got caught into your spider webs even if it's legitly the other way around. He couldn't help but feel helpless when it comes to you.

"What should I do?" Tsuchi ran his hand through his silky hair. He was distressed, he wants to confess his affection to you but the thought of you going old and passing away hurts him.

It's better than nothing right?

But how can he confess? It's the most. crucial part. He knew he couldn't say it bluntly, you're a hopeless romantic and he knew that doing something very cliché, much to his dismay, might heighten up the percentage of you liking him back.

He knew there's no easy way to confess to a pretty girl like you.

But it's better to let out your feelings right?

Yeah, might as well try.


Operation 1 (Small gifts)

Tsuchi isn't very sure of the choices that he picked, he just listed the easiest things to do and the not so obvious one's.

Well except this one, it's very obvious but today's Teacher's Day so maybe it won't be that obvious?

"Small gifts huh?" Tsuchi murmured to himself as he played with the bracelet.

The thing is, he knew what to give you but the question is, how the heck does he give it to you?

Just then he looked beside his desk and saw your working desk. You're nowhere to be seen, maybe doing something?

He looked around, making sure no one sees him before quickly scribbling down in a sticky note.

(Author doesn't know what to do.)

He then slammed the gift in your table with the sticky note. Well it said simple so he gave a simple one, just then the door opened and he saw you walking in with a cup of coffee.

He stood up quickly, picking up random papers before pretending to hurry up in his class.

You looked at the hurrying man's back. He was acting weird but you shrugged it off, maybe it's just a hectic day for him.

You headed to your table and saw a beautiful yet simple bracelet with a sticky note beside it. You picked it up and read the words written in it.

'Happy Teacher's Day - Tsuchigomori'

A smile bloomed itself in your features.

Operation 2 (COMING SOON) In cinema.

Aight imma end it here, for the sake of update ahahaha, this is only PART ONE you guys so Pls be patient cuz I don't know what I'm doing Ahahahhahah.

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