16. Requests and explanation.

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Hello y'all. I just want to say I'm accepting requests.

Five of them. Yes five of them.

Please do give the plot and all! Thanks.

And also I'm gonna explain why I'm absent or not updating.


1. I'm having author's block. I don't know what to write. I'm brainded and braindamaged. I'm absolutely clueless and stuck that's why I'm asking for requests.

2. Family matters. Well you it's personal but I'm gonna let you have a peek. My mom and dad had a huge fight and things didn't end well.

3. I'm busy doing shit and taking care of some of my baby cousins.

4. I'm absolutely tired and I can be a bit insomniatic/ insomniac....and I haven't slept nicely for days.

5. Ah I think I have a crush.... She's absolutely naturally cute, understanding and kind. Just my type... (She actualky has an wattoad account but she won't tell me <(-︿-)>(°ロ°٥)

That's all you guys. Thanks for the time and waiting.

I won't be updating for a bit of time. 

Ja ne.

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