God will never leave.

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Luke stumbled over rocks as he searched desperately for wood. The moonlight was guiding him through the dark, horrific forrest. He wouldn't admit it, but he was scared. His heart skipped several beats when he heard something run passed him. He shivered and stood still. The pattering feet got closer and he closed his eyes. The creature somehow started talking to him. It spoke several sentences but the only one that Luke could make out was, "Get to Madison, get to Madison now." Luke opened his eyes and swarmed around like a buzzing bee chasing his prey. He ran faster than the wind, tripping over debris left and right. Then he saw her. Madison Nicole Lambert was covered in blood. He walked slowly over to her, barely even noticing who she was.

"Madi, Madi..Madison!" He yelled her name. No response. He felt her heart. It wasn't beating. It was then and there when Luke got on his knees, tears running down his face and he shouted to God.

"Why God? We got so far and now everything has to backfire. God, she was the most incredible girl. She stood up for you. She was beaten day and night for you. She trusted you. Now, you take her away. God, she was too young." Luke picked Madison up and kissed her forehead. Blood covered her face and the poor, innocent girl was now gone.

Suddenly, Luke spun around. He saw a figure standing in the middle of the grim forest. It was a girl, head bowed and hands together. She had on a pure white gown and wings extended from her back. It was a phenomenon. Luke's sorrowful, chocolate brown eyes grew bigger and bigger as he studied the figure.

"Don't be afraid." The girl said, smiling. "It's me."

"Who are you?" said Luke, walking bckwards slowly.

"Sarah." her one word reply made Luke gasp.


"It's me, Sarah. I'm an angel. I was sent by God to make sure you and Madison were safe. Now, it's your turn to be brave. My work is done here. Now go west until you reach a house built on the shore of a river. The river will be clean and it will be raining the day you reach there. These are your signs. Now go, take Madison and remember, God will never leave you."

Luke was astonished on stared at her blankly. "How are you an angel? I thought angels only stayed in Heaven?"

"Hebrew 13:2 says, "Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it." Now Luke, you must go."

"But what if something happens? What if Madison is actually dead?"

"Luke 8:25 says, Where is your faith?" he asked his disciples. In fear and amazement they asked one another, "Who is this? He commands even the winds and the water, and they obey him"? Trust in the Lord, Luke."

The power of God filled the air and light filled the sky. It lasted for only a few seconds, but it was indescribable. When Luke looked in front of him, Sarah was gone. He closed his eyes and thanked God for His power. Suddenly, Madison shook and started breathing again. Luke smiled and started walking westward. In a matter of time they would reach their destination. And who knows what plans God had for them next.

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