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JUNE 5, 1996

"WHEN'S MY MOM COMING HOME?" The young brunette girl asked as she jumped on the couch,

"I don't know, Laney." The teenager poked her head through the kitchen door, "Don't jump on the couch you're gonna hurt yourself."

Laney let out a huff and jumped off the couch, before sitting and pouting. The Disney Channel played in the background as she played around with her dolls, waiting for her babysitter to come back in with her dinner.

There was a knock on the door and Jenny, her baby sister, gave her a confused look before making her way to the door, "Stay here, Laney."

Laney immediately hid behind the banister as she watched the babysitter open the door. On her porch were two police officers.

"Is this the Richards' residence?" The older officer asked,

"Um, yeah, I'm the babysitter." Jenny stated nervously, "Did something happen?"

The officers looked at each other for a moment, "I'm sorry to say this but earlier this evening, Lissa Richards was in a car accident."

Laney dug her nails into the wood of the banister, her mom was in an accident. Was she okay?

"Is she okay?" Jenny asked, "Do I need to bring Laney to the hospital?"

The older officer shook his head, "Ms. Richards didn't make it."

Laney let out a little gasp and the three turned to look at her. The eight year old girl quickly darted towards the back door.


She ignored the calls for her as she ran into the woods behind her house. Tears filled her eyes as she ran.

Her mother was dead. Her only family, gone.

Laney crawled into a fort that she and her mother had built earlier that spring. The sheet covered the front entrance and Laney sat on top of the pillows, crying.

She soon heard footsteps and Laney sniffed, "Go away." The footsteps stopped right outside the fort and and Laney ripped the sheet away, "I said, go away!"

The young girl paused as she looked up at a man. But not just any man. He was... blue.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" He grinned.

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