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"You are home, kid." The blue man growled, "At least, until we decide what to do with you. Who knows, you might be a nice meal." He reached for her face and she bit his finger, "Ow! You don't see me biting you, kid!"

The man grabbed her by the arm and tossed her to some other men dressed in red leather, "Throw her in a holding cell."

They nodded before gripping her arms and dragging her down a hallway, "Hey! Let me go!" The girl screamed,

"Shut up." They threw her into a room and shut the door before locking it.

She banged on the door, "I wanna go home! Please let me out! I'm sorry for running away!" The girl slid down and sat against the door, "I want to go home." She muttered, bringing her knees to her chest, "I want my mommy."

The girl sat there for hours, crying into the sleeves of her shirt.

"Why are you crying?" Laney paused when she heard the voice of a young boy,

She pressed her ear to the door, "I want to go home."

"This is home now." The boy stated, "I used to be the same... but now I'm here. And it's nice... kinda. As long as you don't upset them. Otherwise they eat you."

"What?" Laney began to panic more,

"Well, I've never seen them eat a child but they keep threatening to eat me so I don't know what to believe really."

Laney swallowed nervously, "My name's Laney... what's yours?"

Before the boy could answer, footsteps filled the hallway, "What'chu doing down here, boy?!" The dark haired girl cowered against the wall at the blue man's voice, "Get out of here!"

"Sorry, Yandu." The boy muttered before running off,

Laney gulped as the door opened and Yandu, the blue scary man, walked in. He smirked, "Smells like dinner." He approached her and she tried to make herself seem small, "Unfortunately, you need some more meat on you first."

He walked back towards the door and tossed something, "I got you a little friend." He slammed the door.

The small figure on the fall made a noise and Laney slowly made her way towards it, "Hello?"

"I... am... Groot..." the thing squeaked,

"I am Laney." She reached the figure and gasped as she saw what it was.

It was a small, tree like creature in a pot. She had never seen anything like it.

"Well, you're a cute little thing, aren't you?" Laney smiled down at the Groot, "We'll watch out for each other, won't we?"

"I am Groot."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2021 ⏰

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