Chapter 4

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Mariam's Pov

Hey, I am Mariam Tehrani, I am 15 year old  from Iran. I know a lot of people talk behind my back and think I have anger issues but,I have a reason for it. The thing is that my mom has a job , she is a waitress and she doesn't get paid a lot for it. My dad isn't much help too, He is not able to find a job. I don't know why. And my brother he is the worst of all. He. Is off to college. Highlands University it is a great university! It is one of the best around here. I should agree my brother is really smart I mean he got a full ride scholarship! He was fine until he went to university ,but after that he turned into an alcoholic. He comes home late at night and tells me I am a disgrace and he blames all the family problems on me. I don't know if he does it intentionally ,but it hurts me. And the reason I hide my face is because I feel like I start every problem and I am ashamed of myself. I know shouldn't ,but I do. And this girl Anika or whatever her name she is annoying. She doesn't know what private space is ,but she is kind of nice at the same time. She is okay not too great. Let's what she does tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2020 ⏰

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