Chapter 1

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My alarm jolted me put of my dreams. I groaned slightly as I hit snooze. "Come onnn get up. You promised ". Amelia said, throwing the blankets off of me. "Yeah I know I know. I'm up". I said, sighing and getting up. "Theres and acai bowl for you in the fridge". She said, leaving. "Millie your an angel"! I shouted. I heard her giggle. I got up and made my bed. I put music on and got into my bikini and wet suit. Grabbing my guitar, and my bag, I jogged downstairs. "Finally you take so long" Amelia whined as I came downstairs. "Oh shut it". I said laughing. I sat at the island and ate breakfast. Its 5 in the morning. Amelia is my roommate. Were both ticktockers and we live in Hawaii. If your wondering why were up this early in the morning, it's because we wake up almost everyday  to go surfing. It's a good way to wake up. I finished eating and we went out the back door. Our surf boards were leaning against the back porch. We lived right on the beach. We spent almost 3 hours surfing and fooling around. Amelia has been my best friend since 2nd grade. The beach had started to fill up with people so we took our wet suits off and threw on clothes over our bikinis. 
My outfit:

Millie's outfit

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Millie's outfit

Millie's outfit

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"Oo. Perfect time for a lil self promo". I said giggling. She rolled her eyes and laughed. I ran back to the house and grabbed my guitar and notebook. Singing and writing songs was one of my hobbies and has been since middle school. I sat on my knees and took put my guitar. I opened up my notebook to a song I had been working on. By the way if you've heard this song on tick tock, you'll know that it's not played on the guitar, but let's just pretend it is.

She was only 17
When producer man came
Offering that all her dreams
Would come true he said
"Come here sweetie I can make
"You a star. I just wanna see you
"Flourish and i know you'll make it
Far" what she couldn't see was he was
In it for the money
Got the girl to move to L.A got the paperwork so she could sign her life
Away and it was in his plan to work
Her till he got his pay
He said, "sign  right here" and sign
She did he knew that she was too
Young to know what she wanted
But now shes in the hands of good
Old producer man

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