Chapter 4

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So guys finally another chapter this one's in Colds boyfriend's POV the first name that came to mind was Mount Fuji don't ask. Anyway this is his POV. Anyway on to the chapter.

(Fuji's POV)

Where is she I haven't seen her in days? she usually sends me letters to keep me from worrying. Ok Fuji she might have sent it and it hasn't reached me yet.

Yeah it must not have reached me yet. Maybe I should ask one of our friends if they've seen her.

___________Time Skip since I don't want to write directions__________

'knock knock'

"Hey Fuji how can I help you?"

"Well you see Mountain I was wondering if you knew where Cold was I haven't seen her in days. And I haven't gotten any letters from her."

"I haven't seen her either. She's probably writing a letter right now."

________Over In Pantala___________

"Do either of you have anything to wright a letter with?"

"No why?"

"Well Cricket I always wright my boyfriend a letter when I go traveling. But I haven't written a letter yet. So he's going to be worried."

"Ok I can understand but we don't have anything to wright a letter with."

__________back in Pyhrria_________

"Alright fine Mountain. I'll take your word for it but if she doesn't send a letter soon. Then I'm going searching."

"Alright I'm not stopping you."

"Really? Okay then bye."

That's it for the chapter sorry it took so long to get out. And sorry it's so short. Anyway see you next chapter.

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