Chapter one

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Kong Xueer's POV

Why do I have to keep changing schools? Did my past life do something to anger the gods or something? This was my third time changing my high school. 

The first time it happened was in 9th grade when my grandma had fallen ill so my family wanted to spend the last few moments we have together with her. The second time was when my dad had found a more stable job when I was in 10th grade and now my dad had gotten a promotion at work so we had to move so that he can be closer to his workplace. I was going to continue my junior year at Youth high school.

It wasn't that I was ungrateful, I knew that each time we moved was to push our lives in the right direction but to be honest, it was tiring not being able to make any decent close friends as I would always have to move away before becoming close with anyone and being a shy and introverted kid didn't make me any easier to approach as well. Hopefully, this can be a blessing in disguise and I will have a chance to grow my confidence.

As I stepped into the school's corridor, I see many unfamiliar faces start to stare at me, I heard two people whispering to each other: "Who is she?", "No clue, it must be a new kid". My feet started to quicken its pace and I was keeping my head down to avoid any eye-contact from them.

"Ow" someone said as I accidentally bumped into her, knocking all the books she was holding in her arms to the floor.

"Oh I'm so sorry, I should've paid more attention to where I was going," I said sincerely as I bent down to help pick up the books. When I looked up, I saw the face of one of the prettiest girls I have ever seen.

"Yeah, you should've" the girl replied in a harsh tone.

"Geez, you don't have to be rude about it? It was an accident I swear" I said as I passed the last book back to the girl. I caught a glimpse at the name written on the cover page "Xu Jiaqi".

"Whatever" Jiaqi said as she rolled her eyes and continue walking to where she was heading before.

"What a bitch" I whispered under my breath. I pointed my middle finger at her and as if she felt it, the next thing I saw was Jiaqi returning the middle finger with her back still facing me while she was walking away.

What a way to start my new school.

When I entered the classroom many eyes were on me again. The teacher paused her lesson when she noticed me, "Oh I almost forgot, class this is our new student-". The teacher gave me a hand gesture as a signal to introduce myself.

"Hi everyone, I am Kong Xueer and I will be your new classmate". I said with a smile. I took a glance around the class and let out a sigh of relief when I found out that "Jiaqi" girl wasn't in my class.

"Ok nice to meet you, take a seat and I will resume with my class." said the teacher. I took the only empty seat which was next to a short-haired girl.

"Hi I am Liu Yuxin" she told me. Damn shes pretty too. Is this school filled with pretty girls?

"Hey," I replied slightly nervous. "I like your hair".

"Thanks" she said as she shyly turned away trying to hide her blush.

Damn, she's cute too.

After some small talk, we became more comfortable talking to each other. I found out that Yuxin and I had shared the same tastes in music, her social media accounts, and that she is in the dance team. I shared with her that I had always enjoyed dancing as a hobby and she started to persuade me into joining the dance team so that she can become less lonely during trainings.

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