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Jimin's POV

     Jimin woke up in Yoongi's bed alone Jimin noticed he was feeling a warmth before and now it's gone he wondered if he kicked a blanket somewhere that he was using

   Jimin slowly opened his eyes and sat up having a pounding head ache he wondered if Yoongi slept on the couch he then looked down to notice he was just in his boxers he also tasted something sweet in the back of his throat

   Jimin got up and walked into the kitchen before remembering he only had boxers on after seeing Namjoon and Yoongi sitting at the counter Jimin then ran back into the room put on the closet shorts and hoodie he found then walked back out

   Jimin then sat down putting a hand on his head while everyone else watched him being while being very quiet Jimin then looked up at Namjoon and said "do you have anything I can take for my head ache" "oh uh sure" Namjoon said getting up getting a pill for Jimin

Namjoon sat back down and handed Jimin the pill Jimin grabbed it then quickly got up and got some water to take the pill he took the pill then sat back down looking at the two mostly Yoongi then asked "what happened last night I can't remember anything after us sitting at the bar"

"Ah oh nothing happened last night besides you know we drank some and then danced a bit "Yoongi answered smiling while blushing bright red

"Tell him the damn truth" Namjoon said clipping Yoongi in the back of the head Jimin just sat there confused

Yoongi looked down for a minute then back up and said "you said at school you have virgin eyes and Taehyung said you didn't well I believe Taehyung" Yoongi said awkwardly

Jimin's eyes went wide "w-what do you mean you said we danced and drank that's it did you leave something out or what!?" "Chill would you then I'll continue" Yoongi said jokingly "what happened!?!" Jimin said

"Well we did dance and drink however when we were dancing a guy came up to us and asked to dance with you but then asked if we were a couple after you smirked and winked at me you said we were but the guy didn't believe you so you" , Yoongi paused and visibly gulped remembering what happened

"Then" Namjoon said waving his hand "well then you danced around me and when you got to my back side you bit my ear and then you danced more then y- rubbed ur ass against me then you tried to do it.... at the club so I took you home"

"You threw up a couple times on the way home then we got home and slept" Yoongi smiled awkwardly while blushing at this point Jimin was blushing "too is that all that happened?" Jimin asked "yeah that's all" Yoongi answered giving a weary look to Namjoon

Jimin then asked "did I eat any candy last night" Namjoon looked at Jimin and Yoongi's head snapped towards Jimin "n-no y-you didn't eat any c-candy" Yoongi answered "then why do I taste something sweet" Yoongi's face turned crimson Namjoon turned towards Yoongi then said "tell him what happened the rest of the night"

Yoongi turned towards Jimin "then said you kinda sucked me" Jimin then laughed loudly then said "yeah! Right sure I did I've never done anything sexual besides dance" Namjoon chuckled at this Jimin then continued "quite pulling on my arm so what candy did i eat I don't recognize the taste?"

Yoongi then said "I'm not" to Jimin still didn't believe him so Yoongi said "wait just wait a second" while pulling out his phone and loading up a video

Yoongi leaned forward holding out the phone Jimin and Namjoon both watching the phone the video played and Jimin's mouth dropped

'What are you gonna do'

'Anything I can do in your pants'

'And what if I say no'

' I'm not taking no for an answer'

Yoongi paused the video and started to put it back in his pocket but Jimin blurted out while blushing alot "wait the video wasn't over I wanna see the rest of it" Yoongi pulled the partially put away phone out of his pocket and started the video they heard the same thing but then Jimin saw the part after what they already saw

He saw himself step forward and start to unzip Yoongi's pants then they heard kissing noises Jimin then sat back in his chair and put his hands over his face while being a blushing mess then he finally looked up then said "you cam- that's what I taste". "yeah" Yoongi replied looking down at his feet Jimin grabbed his water and chugged the rest of it

Jimin then looked over at Namjoon then said "and you heard all of this?!" "No I didn't hear it I just heard a slam then I put on my head phones" Namjoon said calmly shaking his head slightly Namjoon then looked over at Yoongi who was still looking at his feet then said "what was the first boom anyways?" Yoongi looked up blushing still then said "oh that was Jimin slamming me against the wall then making out with me after I caught him cuz he tripped trying to get down the ladder to my loft because he was drunk"

Namjoon nodded then looked over at Jimin who was hiding his face in the oversized hoodie Yoongi then said "Jimin you know you could have told me you were a light weight you did know right?" "Yeah I knew I just forgot" Jimin replied slowly then continued "it had been a while since I went out drinking i had only been out drinking once before"

Jimin shuttered remembering the night Namjoon tilted his head then asked "did something bad happen that night or?" "Oh no nothing bad" Jimin said while laughing "I went with Taehyung and Jin, Jin has a high tolerance but me and Taehyung on the other hand don't and me and Taehyung are also soft , babies I guess you could say so the whole night we were very clingy would were constantly hugging each other and just basically acting clingy small children" Jimin finished saying while laughing

"So I guess there's different sides of me when I'm drunk depending on the situation" Jimin said laughing again Namjoon slightly laughed to then said "well I'm gonna go relax in my room and mess around making some music so don't bother me got it" Namjoon said looking straight at Yoongi with a death glare

"Yes I understand" Yoongi said rolling his eyes "there won't be a repeat of what happened that time and hey that time I was tipsy so let me off the hook" Yoongi finished while pouting Jimin and Namjoon laughed at Yoongi slightly then Namjoon left the kitchen back to his room

"What happened last time?" Jimin asked "oh nothing"!Yoongi said then they heard Namjoon shout from the other room "HE GOT REALLY CLINGLY LIKE YOU AND HE WOULNT LEAVE ME ALONE AND HE WAS TRYING TO TAKE MY COMPUTER ALSO TO TRY TO LISTEN TO MY MUSIC"

Jimin laughed once Namjoon finished looking back at Yoongi who was now pouting again Yoongi then got up and walked over to the piano and started playing Jimin went and sat on the couch watching Yoongi who was currently engulfed in the music

Finally Yoongi stopped playing piano and sat down on the couch next to Jimin putting his head on Jimin's shoulder

Jimin then swung his leg around so he was sitting on Yoongi's lap Yoongi's eyes went wide for a moment then relaxed Jimin cupped Yoongi's face looking into his eyes then he leaned forward and kissed Yoongi's forehead then he hugged him nuzzling his head into his shoulder Yoongi hugged Jimin back then said "can we stay like this for a while" Jimin then slightly nodded his head

Some soft stuff I guess😂😂

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