Chapter 1 - Faking Isn't Easy

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Lady Moonlight P.O.V.

It is everything alright, the situation is manageble. Kirby fight toward every enemy getting the better, defeating him, with the eventual help mine or the one from Tiff. I smile, and I smile everyday, but I fake. I'm worried for the desappearing of Meta Knight, seriously. Truly a lot. I've cryed too sometimes, in the night, in my own room. Kerogene never noticed it. Fortunately. Thinking about those things, I reach a opened space close to the Whispy Woods and I find got togheter Fololo and Falala, Tiff, Tuff and Kirby. Kirby runs around on the grass with a big lollypop on the hand and Tiff reads a good book. Tuff chats animatedly with the two inseparable friends. I get closer them and I remain there to observe, silently. Suddently Tuff runs after Kirby.

"Ahah, now you'll see friends, I'll take it!"

Shouts out Tuff. And Kirby does a usual despeared "Poyoooooo" as response. Tiff closes the book and scolds Tuff. But he cares only about teasing Kirby, so continues undaunded. Succeedes in taking from the hand his the nice strawberry, vanilla and blueberry lollypop. Tiff scolds him more, and Tuff does not listen to her. Not for a wise thing, but I get a smile in my lips, observing the scene. We should have this life. Simple, without have suffer and have the duty to fight. But if my life would have been simple, I didn't arrive up to here, I would remain a simple princess with useless powers in my kingdom doing really nothing. I sigh.


Lady Moonlight sat next the fallen book of Tiff, and when she noticed her, talked her apprehensively. "Moonlight, Moonlight, tell something to my brother, is making cry Kirby!". Moonlight suspired resigned and got up. Normally was always the sister Tiff in reprimand his brother and to make him behave. But was very clear, in that moment, that Fumu was needing her presence. She had to be a lot worried for Meta Knight as Lady Moonlight. "Okay, now enough Bun, give back Kirby the lollypop". "But... I'm enjoying myself!" he contested. She steared at him inflexible and he surredered. "So bad... That's right..." he told defeated, and gave back the sweet to Kirby, and he jumped happily stat, with a sequel of "Poyo".

Meta Knight P.O.V.

Once again I'm in Dream Land, to Cappy Town, the place where I live. Once again I'm totally weary and I few remember what happened to me. I pant, and I'm not able to walk correctly. I found a refuge where no one can find me. In this condition, I will be filled with questions and I will be get in trouble. I remain here, and I will go out only I will stay well. Kirby needs my watch, and Blade and Sword will be worried for me. Knowing her, Tiff will be worried too. Is a luck, between all this, that there's Lady to care about all the situation in my place. I cough. I am really  in a bad-being, if at least I knew why, I felt minimal relieved! Wait a minute... Overe there there are the children. I have quite will to reach them. I am going to rest a bit, for get the wise feeling for meeting them. ...How much time is it gone?  Less care about it, I feel better. With joy I see that the group is still there. I go towards them, and arrived I greet them:

"Hello, guys."


The knight greeted the kids, and everyone did a suprise cry in seeing him again. Was so long that he didn't show himself. The first that came at him celebrating was Kirby, that hadn't anymore the sweet because he swallowed it very much before. Tiff made him the same parties too, and Meta Knight tottered a bit but without loosing his mantly position. Fololo and Falala made him the celebrates levitating, and Tuff was jumping joyful. Only  a girl was shutting. Only a girl was observing the scene without a reaction. A girl that was stearing at the knight with a sad look, at the deep feeling limit. Yes, Lady Moonlight  in looking Meta Knight was extremely happy, but was holding every single emotion. Maybe because if she got at him he fell down. Meta Knight now was stearing at her. "Moonlight..." sayd this, with a covertly sweet loudness. "Meta Knight..." answered the girl, with an acute loudness whisper. She didn't tell anything else, she didn't want to make understand anything to anyone. She wanted to segregate deep inside her the feelings that she had for him, so much that she wanted to hide them from him too.

Meta Knight P.O.V.

Why is Lady Moonlight the only that not greets me? I can't quit saying that very often behaves odd. In any case, I'm glad to see them, all of them.

"I see you healty Kirby"

I comment. Tiff laughs, happy.

"Uh yes, Kirby is the only to be always joyful. He's the one to give us his joy"

I nod.

"Kirby has got a precious quality, he better always cherish it in his soul"

"Poyo!" answers determinate the pink ball.

"It's got late, is time to come back Tuff" says Tiff to his brother, and sets off with Kirby following her immediately. Tuff sets off too and the small friends Fololo and Falala gets away too. "It was a pleause seeing you again Meta Knight, show yourself more often because the kingdom is needing you!" says Tiff loudly towards me, with sparkly eyes and a smile. Saying goodbye with the hand. The others say more or less the same words, greeting me. I answer only with a head gesture, and they go away. I look them going away and then turning I see that Lady is still there stearing at me, with the same gaze of before. I make some steps towards her, looking at her and nothing else.

"Lady, so long time"

I chat up. I hope to see some reaction from her. Talking sincerely I expected some big celebration from her too. What's wrong with her?

"Yes... So much time is passed"

She answer me finally, but her voice is trembling. I obtaing an instinct that I don't face up, and bring out an hand from the mantle, I caress the right cheeck. I see her react with face blushing, and her breath is likely interrupted for a while, then retreats. Why does she behave so? She hurts me. As if I not suffer already in this last period. I see her bite her lip and I feel my heart growing pulses looking at them. I feel a sudden big melancholy, that I can't define, and I decide to go away. I turn and I go back, towards my far refuge.

Lady Moonlight P.O.V.

Is the first time that Meta Knight brushes against me. I feel like I'm really getting crazy. But unfortunately it isn't the first time that he drops me there going away. Oh, what I could've done for holding him, and talk with him more. Without noticing I bite again my lip while I observe him moving away. I still feel his touch on my skin, and I fully desire that it could last eternally. I overstate, right? But... Is true... I...

Ah, it doesn't care.

I set off too towards the castle.

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