Chapter 4: Elementary, my dear Cornus

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"Alright, let's go over what we know" said Robert pacing back and forth while Taylor sat on a park bench watching him ponder. "So we stop a robbery on national television then next thing we know we're attacked at school. Plus I think it's safe to assume that there are more like us now wouldn't you say?" Robert asked Taylor. "Well" he began: "Considering how fast the guy that took out the soldier was and how he was stealthy enough to get away from us without a trace he's definitely either got some sort of superhuman power or he's just really fit". "Oh come on" replied Robert, "What possible teenager is fit enough to do that nowadays?". "Well you took out a guy" Taylor pointed out, "I got lucky because my zip tie idea worked, I wouldn't rely on that again" reasoned Robert. "Hey didn't you say you saw a symbol on our mystery hero's clothing?" questioned Robert, "Yeah!" remembered Taylor: "I saw some sort of crescent moon as he ran away". "Okay that's a start!" exclaimed Robert: "I hope it isn't some sort of fashion trend right now because that will make finding our guy a lot harder than I'd like it to be...wait a minute, Taylor that guy you said looked lonely at lunch, didn't he have on a sweater with a moon on it?". "I think he did!" shouted Taylor in excitement: "I think we have a lead!". "Alright then, tomorrow at school we'll question him and see what turns up", 

"Look there he is" nudged Robert as him and Taylor sat watching for the teen with a moon on his sweater, "Alright Taylor, follow my lead" said Robert as he began walking towards the table that their target had sat down at, he was alone and talking on his phone, making this the perfect opportunity to get close to him without him noticing. "Alright baby stay safe" he said as he hung up the phone and turned his attention to his lunch, "You too babe" shot Robert as he sat down across from him, Taylor sat down beside Robert and the questioning began. "Hey I'm Robert and this is my buddy Taylor, what's your name mate?" Robert opened. "I'm Reese" he replied, "So what did you think about the lock down the other day? Pretty scary right?" asked Taylor, "I guess, but Ghostgoat and a student took care of it right? So there was nothing to worry about" answered Reese. "A student fought with Ghostgoat? Wow he must really be something to work with a superhero eh?" said Robert, clearly boosting his own ego. "Would you happen to know who it was Reese?" asked Taylor. "Nope, sorry, I don't know him" responded Reese. "Hey Reese, I have a really good question for you, if you had superpowers...what would you use them for...or more accurately on?" inquired Robert. "Well" Reese started: "If I had superpowers I'd use them for good, I'd only use them on people that were doing evil things or hurting other people", "But what's your perception of good and evil Reese? Who decides what's good and what's evil?" challenged Robert, "The people with the power to stop either acts" Reese flatly said. The bell to go back to class rang and Reese stood up, grabbed his lunch and walked away, Robert sat there stroking his chin, he appeared to be in deep thought, Taylor stood up and watched Reese walk away, "What now?" Taylor asked. "We follow him" said Robert: "There's no way it wasn't him, I'm just curious what his views are and if we could trust him". "I think it'll be okay, he took out that soldier who clearly was doing something bad" said Taylor: "I know" said Robert: "But why did he run after doing it? We'll follow him after school and see what happens". "Alright" said Taylor, the two heroes then walked off to class. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2020 ⏰

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