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Death, mentions of bullying, emotional speech

A bright blue hue wrapped the sky as Crystal walked through the calm field to the café she had seen in her way here a couple weeks ago.
Crystal has lived in LA for 2 and a half weeks now and she has yet to test how good the coffee is in the quirky little café.

She walked through the whole park and had ended up almost right in front of her destination so she straightened her jacket out a little and walked in. The warmth of the space was welcoming in and Crystal knew this would be her usual spot. She walked to the back of the little room and sat on a little round table. The café was pretty empty apart from a group of girls that seemed to be around her age who were sat at the front in a booth. She's noticed them all stare at her as she walked in but she didn't care, she was used to it.

'what can i get for you today?' a perky voice spoke from in front of Crystal. She took her eyes away from her phone and looked in the direction of the voice. There stood a small but curvy woman with a sweet face and a bright smile, big and volumed black hair.
'oh hey, sorry you startled me a littler' the woman laughed and kept her smile.
'i'm sorry dear. I'm Dela, i've never seen you around here before'
'you wouldn't have, i loved here almost 3 weeks ago but my family has been really busy decorating and putting everything away.' Crystal ended her sentence by shaking her head and chucking, looking down at the table. She didn't ask what you'd been up to you idiot she thought.
'that sounds like fun' Dela giggled. 'anyway, can i get you anything?' Crystal picked up the menu and scanned it quickly.
'could i have a double chocolate chip frap and a mini chocolate muffin please' Crystal smiled. She'd never been good at ordering food at restaurants or anything, but something about the atmosphere this place had was endearing.
'you're a chocolate girl, i'll keep that in mind. chocolate frap and muffin coming right up' Dela winked and walked back over to the counter.
Crystal watched her walk away and laughed at her brightness.
Just then, a girl from the booth caught her eye. The booth they were sitting at was in front and a little to the left of where Crystal was sitting so she could see who was sitting in the end closest to her.
Fuck was all Crystal could think as she looked at this girl.
She had bright orange hair that was pulled into a cute ponytail with two small strands pulled out at the front. Her makeup was soft (and supple) and she was fucking beautiful. Crystal was convinced she was the most beautiful girl she'd ever laid eyes on. The cup she was holding was a hard plastic startbucks cup that had why Crystal assumed was her name written in curly writing up the side.
'Gigi' Crystal muttered very quietly under her breath, making sure they didn't hear her, considering they weren't sitting that far apart.
Crystal kept her eyes on Gigi for longer than she expected to but was pulled from her trance as she saw Gigi look in her direction. They locked eyes and Gigi smiled slightly.
Crystals cheeks flushed red as she tore her eyes away and she'd her eyes with her hand as if the sun was bothering her.
'Jesus Crystal, you're such a lesbian' she muttered again to herself.
Despite Crystal looking away, Gigi hadn't taken her eyes off the new girl.
She was simply taking in what she saw, and damn did she enjoy it.
'Goode! Gigi! Earth to dyke' one of Gigi's friends, Aquaria shouted, snapping her fingers in Gigi's face.
'w-what. Sorry i was, daydreaming' Gigi lied, bringing her attention back to the table.
'yeah whatever. Can we go back to talking about this party now?' Aquaria asked aggressively.
'Aqua, we've already told you, we're not going to Brianna's party. She is the CEO of being teachers pet and probably throws the most boring parties ever' Gigi answers back, trying her hardest to keep her eyes off this vision in yellow.
'guys she's my girlfriend and you guys are my best friends. i'm not having you divided. She doesn't hand around with anyone except Blair and Blair isn't in this year because of her dads job so she's gonna be alone and i said she was welcome to stay with us' a different girl at their table with long brown hair spat her drink across the table, only just missing Aquaria.
'you what?!' Naomi asked.
'guys come on, she's gonna be alone otherwise and that's not fair on her. please?' Aquaria pleaded.
'of course she can stay with us Aquafina, right guys?' Gigi smiled at the other girls suggestively. They all hesitantly nodded as Aqua squealed.
'it's gross how soft you turn for her' Jaida, spoke up.
'shut up' Aqua blushed. As the girls continued fighting about this party, Gigi's eyes drifted back to the girl at the back of the room. She was now scrolling through her phone, sipping on her cold drink.
Her makeup was on the very heavy side but as a makeup artist, Gigi appreciated it. The shapes she had made with her lipstick and her eyeliner was amazing.
'just go fuck her already oh my god' Jaida laughed.
'excuse me?'
'Dude, you've been staring at her for the last 10 minutes' Aquaria turned around and scoffed.
'you need a new taste in ladies' Aquaria stated.
'i was looking at her makeup, it's amazing' Gigi compliments. She wasn't lying, but she was clearly looking at things other than her makeup.
'her makeup is cool' Naomi agreed.
'you were not just looking at her makeup babes' Jaida said with a grin.
'there's no denying that okay yes, she is hot, but i was genuinely looking at her makeup. i'm a makeup artist, hello' Gigi rolled her eyes and took a sip of her ice coffee.
'she is not hot what the fuck are you talking about' Naomi spat a little to loudly.
'Naomi! She can probably hear you.' Gigi whispered aggressively.
'you're sticking up for her cuz you wanna fuck her' Aquaria told Gigi coldly.
'so what?' Gigi had no idea that Crystal could overhear all of this very easily. And as taken back she was by the other girls comments, she blushed at Gigi's.
Suddenly, a loud ring came from Crystals phone as they all looked at her.
'the one time someone actually fucking calls me' She whispered to herself. Before she picked up, she looked around and saw a sign for the bathrooms so she left the table and went into them.
'hey Crys. You need to come home' Her mums voice was shaky and Crystal grew worried.
'what's wrong mum?'
'it's your brother' Her eyes widened as she rushed out of the stall she was stood in.
'i'm on my way' she ran out the bathrooms with tears in her eyes as she grabbed her coat and made a run for the door, but being stopped by Aquaria's hand on her arm, yanking her back so that she stood in front of their table.
'please let me go, i need to get home' Crystal begged, her voice cracking.
'awww are you hurt by what we said? i'm sorry' Jaida said sarcastically.
'no i don't give a shit what you think about me but please, i really need to go' her voice cracked even more as her vision became blurry due to the tears filling her eyes.
'Aquaria let her go don't be such a dick' Gigi demanded. Gigi could see the pain in Crystals eyes and she felt horrible.
'stop sticking up for her Goode'
'let me go' Crystal snapped, trying to keep her voice steady.
'you don't tell us what to do' the dark skinned girl aggressively said, Aqua tightening her grip on Crystal's arm, dogging her nails into her tan skin.
'you don't understand. let.me.go' Crystal attempted to stay calm but was slowly loosing it.
'i warned you' Jaida picked up Gigi's ice coffee and peeled the lid off quickly.
Gigi knew what was gonna happen, she'd seen this before so before the drink left the cup, she threw herself in front of Crystal, causing the drink to be thrown over her.
All the girls gasped as Aqua let Crystal's arm go.
'what the fuck Gigi?'
'no. you don't get to say that to me! i'm so fucking sick of watching you guys bully and torment people. This girl has done absolutely nothing to you and she wasn't doing you any harm now leave her alone' Gigi rushed. She turned to Crystal and tried to dry the coffee with her dry jacket that had ricocheted off Gigi onto her yellow dress.
'go' gigi spoke softly' Crystal nodded, finally letting the tears fall and running out the door'
'what the fuck has gotten into you today Gigi?' the girls all looked at her with anger and she knew she wasn't part of them anymore, but it honestly didn't bother her one bit.
'i'm done with you treating people like shit. She was crying when she came out that bathroom, you have no idea why that phone call was about. you're all sick. i'm done' she picked up her phone and grabbed her now damp coat and exiting the place through the same door they came in.

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