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Crystal has been sitting in her bed for the last hour, staring at the black screen of the TV in front of her, no expression, just staring. Her mum had come in a few times to ask if she needed anything but got no reply.
She wanted to text Gigi, she did, but she felt like she was bothering her, Crystal thought that Gigi was just being nice, and was just acting all nice to be cool. That was until her phone buzzed. It alerted Crystal and she finally took her eyes away from the TV and into her phone. The notification was from instagram and it read 'thegigigoode' wants to send you a message'. She huffed and picked up her phone, opening instagram and accepting the message.

gigi: hey Crys, i haven't gotten a message and just wanted to check on you to see if you're okay. I'm here if you need me xx

Crystal smiled as she took a deep breath and started typing.

me: hey G. Sorry i haven't messaged. I, he's gone, he didn't make it and i wasn't fucking here because of those stupid girls. I've just been staring at my TV for the last hour, rethinking everything i've ever done to deserve this. Anyways, sorry. Thank you, it means a lot honestly xx

Gigi: oh my god, Crystal i'm so sorry, i feel terrible. Are you okay? Don't answer that, that's a stupid question of course you're not okay sorry. Do you need anything? i can get you anything you need xx

me: it's okay, i'll get up in a bit, i just need to get myself together a little bit and i'll pop to the shop around the corner, it's okay, thank you though. And yeah i'm okay, or i will be at least xx

Gigi: Crystal please, it's the least i could do for those girls doing that to you, and the fact i didn't stop them. Please xx

me: i don't want to be a burden or a bother G, i'm okay xx

Gigi: Crystal you could never be a burden. Please, let me do something, anything xx

me: can you come give me a hug?

Gigi: i'm on my way, and i'm bringing food xo

Crystal smiled down at her phone and finally left her bed. She stood in front of the long mirror by her door and laughed, she looked a mess. She couldn't be bothered to shower so she just chucked some sports leggings on and a hoodie, pulling her long curly hair into 2 french braids and opening her door to find her mum.
"mum! mum?" she called.
"living room baby" her mum answered.
As Crystal entered the living room, her mum was standing by the door with her work uniform on.
"you're going to work?"
"i'm so sorry Crys, but i really need this extra money, especially now that, you know, he's not paying rent" Crystal looked down and held herself together. "i'm so sorry i'm leaving you here tonight, i really want to stay with you but i can't"
"don't be sorry mum, i understand, honestly, i actually came out because i have a... a friend coming over" Her mum looked at her with wide eyes and smiled slightly.
"you made a friend?"
"yeah, i'm the little café around the corner. When you called, i ran out and it was taking forever to get here, i was stuck at these traffic lights for ages and she pulled up beside me and asked if i needed a ride, i saw her with a group of girls in the café and she seemed nice so i just said yeah and i explained to her why i was so upset and she gave me her number so i had someone to talk to" Crystal wasn't gonna tell her mum about the girls stopping her because she didn't need anymore drama tonight.
"that's really nice of her, what's her name?"
"that's a nice name, what does she look like?" Crystal pulled up Gigi's instagram and just picked a random photo.

 "that's really nice of her, what's her name?" "Gigi" "that's a nice name, what does she look like?" Crystal pulled up Gigi's instagram and just picked a random photo

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2020 ⏰

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