Ask and Dare

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Devin: *is bright red like a cherry* "Yes, yes I do."

Bri: *her eyes light up* "Really?! Who??! Tell me! Tell me! Tell me!"

Austin: "Calm down babe, be doesn't have to tell us if he doesn't want to."

Devin: "Thanks Austin."

Rian: *is trying to hide how much this is hurting him*

Devin: *glances at a certain werewolf whilst blushing*

Devin: *glances at a certain werewolf whilst blushing*

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Bri, Devin and Austin: *giggle evilly*

Austin: "Hey stupid!"

Rian: "Who ya callin stupid?!"

Bri and Devin: *sneak up behind Rian and steal his bandana*

Rian: *his hair falls down, mostly covering his eyes*

Devin's mind: "Heh that look is actually kinda cute."

Rian: *growls and takes his bandana back, putting it back on his head*

Rian: *growls and takes his bandana back, putting it back on his head*

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Bri: "I might change Austin's past, but then he may never meet me...." *frowns*

Austin: "Nothing could stop me from meeting you and falling madly in love with you."

Bri: "Awww." *kisses Austin's cheek*

Devin: "I would definitely change Rian's past, especially after seeing how upset younger you got over your parents."

Rian: "But what if we never meet."

Devin's mind: "That would kill me. No, that's the understatement of the century."

Devin: "Well I just want you to have the happy life you deserve."

Rian: *feels like his heart just got stabbed, but smiles and thanks Devin*

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