Ch 2: Panic

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This is a game.

She stands in front of me. I shift to meet her cold, dark outstare searing into mine. A cold shiver trickles down my spine. Her grin widens from ear to ear. Teeth exposed. Sinful and bloodshot orbs glow under the moonlight. Her weapons held under her nails. Her whole figure suddenly becoming darker with her gaze.

"You should really keep to yourself~," she said, twirling her knife between her fingers.

Panic overruns my mind. My head pounds and my limbs throb. My body screams pain. The bullets ripped through my flesh burn and sear at the walls they've created, but it is no match to what may lay ahead. I should have stayed back and kept to myself. I shouldn't have left my room. Now I'll have to go through her.

"'Cause now I'll have to end you~" Her stare darkens, "As I did them~" My skin turns pale as I lose myself in my own mind.


"I loved their cries for mercy, their pleads to hold onto the precious lives of theirs~"

No, this can't be true. I let out in a shaky voice, "No," but I instantly regretted shaking my head, it left it throbbing more.

"Yes, yes, Sweetheart. You know I did~"

"No. I don't believe you."

"There's no point in denying it, I'll send you to them. They're dead~"

"No, they're not!" No, no, no, no. They're all I have. Please no.

"It's a shame~," she said, breaking me from my thoughts, "I really liked you~"

She couldn't have, please don't let this be true.

"But what I'll love more, is to take you apart," Her tone had a dangerous and deadly ring to it, "Piece by piece."

My eyes widen in horror.

Amusement flashed in her eyes, "Oh, how I love that look~" she says as she moves closer, her eyes fixed on mine.

I feel as if I'm shrinking. As if I'm nothing. I have never felt this weak. I want to punch her, kick her, do something! I feel too weak. I feel tired and worn. Too damaged and broken.

I can't stop here. I have to find them, she can't be telling the truth. They need me. I need them.

Despite the amount of energy I have, I reel in my strength and swiftly bring back my right arm and spring it forward towards her chest. Then a second punch a split second after, hitting her square in the nose. A crack sounded under my fists, I couldn't tell if it was my hand or her nose, it felt as if someone took a hammer to my hand.

She stumbles back as blood bursts from her nose. It might have been both, but no time to wonder. I take off, shaking away the pain in my hand. I hear a slight curse fade as I sprint in the opposite direction. I'm so dead.

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