shard of glass

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I am broken

I am cracked 

I am like a shard of glass

I can cut and I can burn

I can melt and I can turn

I am broken I am cracked

I am like a shard of glass

You can go and throw me away

But I’ll come back and I will stay

I am broken

I am cracked

But I am not a shard of glass

I'm nearly a cup

chipped on the side

Don’t just sit there and watch me lie

Come and help me

Fix me up

I will be the perfect cup

Use some glue or get the tape

I will sit and I will wait

I'm alive here and well

Don’t just let my wounds swell

For if my glass 

Chips once more

You must go

To the store

Get the tape or get some glue

I want to stay

Stay with you

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2020 ⏰

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