there was a time

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2019 August 24

There was a time where common colds were deadly.
There was a time when a wound was bad it need to be chopped.
There was a time when people don't get recognised for something great.
There was a time when people didn't care.
There was a time when everything was fine.
There was a time when nothing mattered.
There was a time when there was no war.
There was a time for the dinosaurs.
There was a time for the first house.
There was a time for the first sweater.
There was a time when no one was cruel.
There was a time when there were pharaohs ruling.
There was a time when children were sacrificed for buildings.
There was a time for bloody Mary and her reign.
There was a time for the first eclipse.
There was a time when someone thought it was the end of the world.
There was a time when Hitler was leading the Germans to eliminate all Jews and anyone who disagrees.
There was a time when Joseph Stalin killed millions of people.
There was a time when Julius caesar killed.
There was a time when Japan would send kamikazes to crash into planes.

There was a time when all this happened, and yet, people never teach, they never remember, because they think we are better off not knowing, because they are ashamed of their actions.

During world war 2 many people in, for example, Estonia or Poland who did not agree with Stalin and the soviet republic, were taken from their homes and sent to "working camps" or were torured and killed by the KGB

During her five-year reignMary had over 280 religious dissenters burned at the stake in the Marian persecutions.

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