Chapter 4 - Bromances

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It felt like years since they were standing outside of Pucca bedroom window. Garu wasn't sure how he should face her.

Okay Garu, [Take a deep breath] maybe this won't be bad if she's still unconscious. I have to think positive, my happy place. [He closed his eyes and started to imagine his training in Japan, then suddenly, Pucca replaced the image. He gives a horrifying scream, causing Mio to look at him] No way she's part of my happy place! [Not soon, the kiss of Tobe appeared] Oh my gosh! How can I forget about that kiss?!

The reaction Garu makes had Mio think he had gone insane. Maybe the visiting didn't encourage him, but Mio would definitely hate his honor demolished. It's all for his master sake. He remembers when he first met Garu, he was a teeny-weeny baby. At that very moment, he swore to follow whatever his master needs.

But soon later, something caught Mio attention. Could it be, the love he had long forgotten? A lovely pink cat made its way out of Pucca bedroom window. That cat paid them no mind to their existence. It left by jumping off the roof then to the ground. Just like a real cat. Mio can't believe it, it is his love that left him nearly eleven years ago.

Master Garu, [Facing where the pink cat is running off] I... I have something important business to attend. [Jump off the roof and chase after the pink cat]

Business? What business does he have? Throughout their stay in Sooga Village, he mostly lazes around in the house or is his constructor training coach. Garu takes another deep breath, maybe it would be wise for him to return to his place. When suddenly, his shirt seems to get hold of something. He turned around to unhook his shirt when he saw two smiling faces. It was Ching and Abyo. The one that's holding his shirt was Abyo.

I knew I heard a loud commotion out here. What brings you here? [Garu point at Pucca] Ahhh... Pucca... I see, she's your love thingy.

Lover. [Corrects Abyo] If someone important went unconscious for a long time, they'll definitely visit them. Like you and me.

Pucca isn't someone important to me. I only came because you force me.

[Face turn dark] Oh, I get it. It's my fault you're here. Well, then, it's a goodbye in this part. [Push Abyo to the roof] If you so ever hate being with me then spent your quality time with Garu instead! [Slam the window]

Ouch. [Wince his eyes from Ching rage] I guess it's just you and me, Garu. What do you want to do? Oh, I know. [Rip off his shirts and do a pose while the blow through his hair] It's time to get us some ladies.

Garu just stares at him a few moments before smacking his own face in vexation. How the heck he's going to get away? He's not familiar with this boy, and on top of that, he had to take care of his own problem.

Why are you spacing out? [Hook his arm around Garu arm] The ladies won't be waiting for us.

Garu was hoping to set himself free, unfortunately, his arms are sealed tight without losing a grip. Abyo didn't give Garu a warning before pulling him off of the roof. Garu rushed himself to prepare his landing, but out of nowhere, a big net caught them safely. Where did that net come from? Down below, where Garu peered, he saw five smiley people watching them. They all wore the same outfit and hairstyle, the only difference was the design represented their gender. They mostly populate the village and take all the important jobs. The smiley people that save them are the firefighter. Garu hasn't met any firefighter act this fast enough to save someone in danger.

We're safe, you can let us down now. Hello, guys, down, please. [The firefighters didn't move, they just stared. Abyo began to panic as he grabbed the net while screaming like a maniac] Let us free! PLEASE!!! [The firefighters did listen, but they only let Garu off] Hey, what about me?

The firefighter looks at each other before nodding their head. They all agree with their decision. The net was pulled back by the fire trucks, while Abyo held onto the net in fear. Both Abyo and Garu don't know what they're planning. It was far enough that they signal to let it go, sending Abyo flying into the air. Garu could have sworn he heard the twinkle of a star. The firefighter shakes hands for their accomplishment, leaving Garu dumbfounded by their action.

Back in Pucca bedroom, sitting at the bedside, Ching had some deep thought. How could Abyo be so selfish? Pucca's unconscious, and who knows when she's going to wake up. The thought of him made her furious. She felt like returning home and be comfort by her chicken, Won, to ease the anger.

Just then, Pucca eyes open and quickly sit up. The way she has woken herself without warning surprises Ching, as she scoots her chair backward. Pucca looked around the room before leaping out of her bed, making her way to her desk and began to draw. Ching was about to say something, but she was curious about what she's drawing. She slowly approaches behind her, taking a peek from the back, and sees that on the paper was a poster of Garu. On top of the poster was a huge 'WANTED' sign.

What are you going to do with that poster, Pucca? [Pucca pointed outside of the walls] Are...are you going to put it on the walls, outside? What would happen if Abyo dad mistaken it as a wanted poster? Garu will definitely be locked up in jail. [In a quick act, Pucca adds extra words at the bottom of the poster then shows it to her. She bends down to read it carefully] 'The property of Pucca, if found.' That's more like it. Okay, [Slam her fist together] let's make copies and stick them on the walls.

Garu felt tired as he was heading home when suddenly, he accidentally stumbled across Tobe property. Coincidentally at that time, Tobe was also outside, rebuilding his place. What surprised him was that there are no smiley people fixing Tobe's place like they did to him. Tobe had noticed him before putting on his preparation fight pose.

Okay ninjas, prepare to... [Turn to the right] attack... [Turn to the left] Garu... Umm...where the hack are they? Don't tell me. [Went into a rage that fire was burning in his eyes] They left and ditch all the work on me?! When they return I'll punish them for good. Who cares [Pull out his katana] I'll take care of you on my own.

Tobe runs toward him, then Garu calmly grabs the katana and pushes him down to the ground. The katana was held up to his throat as the blade touched the skin, leaving a trail of blood. Drawing out from Tobe lips was a smirk. Garu noticed what that smile meant, so he leaped backward while Tobe blew fire from his mouth.

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