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Richie and Connor play the game Street Fighter. "D*mn you Ken!" Connor says to the game. Richie looks over at Connor. The game ends and Connor groans playfully. "You're f*cking good." He says to Richie. They high five and look at each other. "Well, I gotta go." Connor says. "Hey?" Richie replies. "We can go again." Connor looks at Richie. "But only if you want to." Richie says. Henry Bowers walks into the room. "Why are you being weird? I'm not your f*cking boyfriend." Connor looks at Henry and Richie. "What's going on here?"

"You didn't tell me your town was full of little fairies." Connor says. Henry looks at Richie. "Richie f*cking Tozier?" Richie swallows his breath. "Wait... Are you trying to bone my cousin?" Richie shakes his head. "Get the f*ck out of here f*ggot!" Henry yells at Richie. Richie slowly walks back and looks behind him. "I said get the f*ck out!" Richie quickly walks out of the building.

Richie sits on a bench, crying. "Want a kiss Richie?" A distorted voice says to him. Richie puts his glasses on and looks up. The Paul Bunyan statue was gone. He looks to the side and screams as the giant statue roars. Richie runs as the statue chases him. The statue swings a huge spear into the ground. Richie falls and the statue tries to stab him. Richie rolls out of the way. "Its not real! Its not real! Its not real!" Richie says to himself as the area goes silent.

"I think I just sh*t my pants." Richie stands up and looks around. He walks to a bridge covered in carved names. Richie smiles and kneels down. He takes out a blade and carves an 'R' into the wood. He then carves a plus sign next to the 'R' on the wood. "Richie plus..." Richie looks into the tunnel behind him. He continues carving an 'E' into the wood. "...Eddie." Richie smiles and giggles. He stands up and rides his bike home.

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