thinking [magnus's pov]

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I stared into the darkness. When I glanced over at the clock next to my bed (where I was currently stationed in my Valhalla pajamas) I saw it read 12:43 A.M.

Bewildering thoughts were rampaging around inside my head like a bunch of bloodthirsty berserkers. (Wow. That was a lot of b's. I swear I didn't mean to do that.)

A face appeared in the midst of all the thoughts. An adorable, smirking face framed by green hair.

No. Nope, no. Not even going to think about him. It's too confusing, too....

Does he like me? If he didn't that would be kind of weird considering what he just did.

Great, now I'm thinking about him.

I shook my head as if to scatter the jumble of thoughts. It didn't really work.

And then a new one popped up. I kissed a boy. Technically. I didn't have a problem with that, but... I never really had time to think about things like that, since I was too busy trying to stay alive on the streets for two years. 

My eyes were getting heavy. My brain was finally starting to slow down. I guess there'll be plenty of time to figure out everything. I mean, I'm an einherjar after all. I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. I let myself drift off into sleep, thinking of boys with green hair and chocolate kisses.

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