breakfast awkwardness [magnus's pov]

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I'm not excited about breakfast today.

I mean, I'm starving, but I know it's going to be awkward seeing Alex today. And I just KNOW my friends are going to have a field day with the teasing. 

I checked my watch. Breakfast was just starting. I pulled at a loose thread on the cuff of my jeans, trying to stall. I considered not going, but my stomach severely disagreed with that idea. 

I guess I'd better hurry. The only thing that could make this morning worse was turning up late and having everyone stare at me. 

I took a  deep breath, checked myself in the mirror, and walked out the door.


I got to the breakfast hall just in time. People were still settling in and getting seated.

I tried to avoid eye contact with Alex as I made my way over to our table, where everyone was having a jolly good time. I once again found myself noticing how cute she was. Like always. 

I sat down at the opposite end of the table from Alex, next to TJ.

TJ nudged me. "Hey- what's going on with you and Alex? He's been acting kind of weird today.He hasn't said a word to anyone."

"She." I said without even thinking.

"What? Oh- sorry. She's been acting kind of weird today." He paused. "Did something happen?"

His face lit up. "Oh my gods. Did something happen? You have to tell me right now!"

Mallory leaned over. "What's going on? Did this idiot finally make a move?"

I could feel my face growing hot. "Guys!"

I shoveled some breakfast in my mouth so I didn't have to answer. I quickly glanced over at Alex to make sure she couldn't hear our conversation. Thankfully, she was at the very end of the table, looking the other way. 

"Did you kiss?" TJ whispered excitedly. I returned his gaze with a blank stare. 

"You did, didn't you! That's awesome! We've all been waiting for this to happen." He grinned.

"Yeah, good one." Mallory smirked.

"Well, don't get too excited. She kissed me, immediately left, and now she won't even look at me."

"Come on. We see how you guys look at each other." TJ smiled.

I looked at him, kind of shocked.

"Are you kidding? It's so obvious!" Mallory laughed. 

I tried to think of a way to to respond. I hadn't realized how much I let my feelings show. 

I opened my mouth, but I didn't even have anything to say. Thankfully, just as I was about to stutter something stupid, a horn sounded.

TJ checked his watch. "Guys! Time for the daily battle! Let's go!" He jumped up and yelled in excitement. Everyone followed suit, whooping as they rose from the tables and rushed to get ready. 

"Here we go," I muttered under my breath.

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