Chapter 2

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~~Rainbow's Point of View~~

I heard Galaxy leave the house from my room after he had been talking to himself in the living room, I felt bad from chasing him earlier so I followed him outside. he walked over the the small air strip that we had and walked into one of the buildings and I saw what he was doing from one of the windows, he came back to the door. I didn't want him to see that i was following him and I was right there by the door, I quickly hid in the corner hoping the darkness of the night would hide my brightly colored hair and clothing. He didn't notice me and he walked down the air strip and near the end he flew up one of the tall buildings, I didn't follow him up in fear that I would fall again but I could hear him talking to I thought was himself. As I listened I felt rain drop onto my head and arms and I looked up. I saw something in the sky it took me a second to realize it was a person, Galaxy. It took me a few seconds to react by summoning water onto the ground underneath him.

He fell into the water, the flow of it gently pushed him out of it and I let it disappear, he lay on the ground and I went over to him helping him to his feet. He coughed and looked at me. "R.Rainbow..??" he spoke quietly and i looked at him holding him in my arms to keep him from falling. "Yeah, it is me." I said, and he stood up strait looking at the ground, I went inside of the building taking an umbrella out and opening when I went back out and I stood next to Galaxy keeping him and myself as dry as possible.

"You know I never truly hated you..." I started to say, "I just found it frustrating, first my voice, then Time.... I know all those things are fixed now. After that it just stayed with me, I never would have thought you would do something like this..." I looked at the ground. "I thought you hated me...? Wanted me gone and out of your way..?" He said, standing on the other side of the pole that I was holding.
"No...Well maybe at one point, but not now.." I looked at him from around the pole. "I am sorry...sorry that I treated you like that..." We both went silent watching the rain from under the umbrella. We stay for a few minutes in silence before Galaxy speaks.

"Maybe we should go know, away from the cold." I noticed him looking at me, and I looked back at him and nodded and walked with him back into the house. When we got inside I closed the umbrella and set it next to the door.

The living room where the front door leads into is small and has a couple couches and a bookshelf with house plants on both sides. The two couches made a L shape with a carpet underneath and a coffee table between them. The walls white made from quarts giving it a modern design on the inside and outside. There was a fight of stairs leading to the upstairs and under them was a bathroom and a dividing wall with the kitchen and across the hallway was the dining room with a two story fish tank with some more bookshelves, and down the hall were four rooms, my room on the first right and across was Sabre's. The second room was Galaxy's room and across from his room was an empty room and a door that leads outside to the back yard and pool. On the other side of the house on our left side was a door that lead to the pet yard.

I was thinking about sitting on the couch but I went to my room instead to rest again, my body still hurt from the fall but I didn't say it did when Galaxy had asked me, and I walked into my room and laid down on my bed looking at the ceiling.

I'm sorry my readers this is a shorter chapter but I hope you enjoyed

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