Welcome to your new home!! (Chapter 3)

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(In the morning,Matatagi woke so early,prepare himself and make some breakfast for them. Matatagi was always happy making breakfast to them. After a while Tenma woke up and he saw Matatagi that preparing breakfast. He woke up and then chnage himself. Matatagi saw Tenma that he is changing some clothes. He saw Tenma's Body has perfect form and has abs too until Tenma saw Matatagi watching himself changing then Tenma suddenly blush and said something to him)

Tenma : Hey!!
Tenma : Don't look at me
Matatagi : Sorry
Matatagi : I gonna continue what I am doing

(Matatagi blush too that he saw his body for the first time but he continue to finish the chores)

//After Several Minutes\\

(Tenma finally done chnaging then he helped Matatagi)

Tenma : I gonna helped you
Matatagi : Thanks
Tenma : Ok
Matatagi : I apologized earlier
Tenma : Its ok
Tenma : I'm just being embarassment that you saw me changing
Tenma : I'm not get used that somebody watching me changing
Matatagi : I'm really apologized about earlier
Tenma : Its ok
Tenma : Anyways...lets settle up this breakfast
Matatagi : *nodded*

(They settle there breakfast and they woke there friends and Matatagi's two little brothers. After a while they eat together happily)

(Tenma ask something to Matatagi)

Tenma : Well we gonna go to our house now
Tenma : Because our guardian are getting worried
Matatagi : *sigh*
Matatagi : I wish I have a guardian who taking care of me
Matatagi : Or have a house
Tenma : You can live with us
Tenma : If you want
Matatagi : Are you sure?
Tenma : Sure
Matatagi : Thanks I guess
Matatagi : But how about this place
Tenma : We can comeback here every week ends when we have school days
Matatagi : Yeah I guess so
Tenma : Well we should prepare to leave this place
Tenma : And paked our things
Matatagi : Yeah
Tenma : Then lets go
Matatagi : *nodded*

(Tenma and Matatagi tell that they are going to leave this place and Matatagi said to his two little brothers that he gonna live with Tenma. His two little brothers are excited to see what is the place where Tenma live and what its gonna look like inside of the house. They packed and they leave the waterfall with the cave back on it. They smiled and they left the beautiful place. They gonna comeback there when thay have a time. They reached out the end of the forest and they finally get out the forest)

Shinsuke : Yes were home
Tenma : Yeah
Matatagi : I'm so excited to live on Tenma's house
Tenma : Well its just an apartment
Tenma : And my beloved Aki-nee live on that apartment
Tenma : He take care of me
Matatagi : Well, lucky you that someone to take care of
Matatagi : Me none
Tenma : Its ok Matatagi
Shinsuke : We are here for you
Matatagi : Thanks Minna
Shun : We gonna support Nii-chan
Yuuta : Yeah
Matatagi : Thanks
Tenma : Well we are almost on Shinsuke's house
Shinsuke : Yeah

(Thry arrived on Shinsuke's House. Shinsuke ring the door bell and her mother hear it inside the house. She quickly open the door and saw Shinsuke on the front)

Shinsuke's Mom : Oh your back
Shinsuke : Yeah Mom
Tenma : Well we gotta go Shinsuke
Shinsuke : Ok
Matatagi : Bye
Shinsuke : Bye

(Tenma and Matatagi with his two little brothers continue to walk and after a few walk they finally arrived)

Tenma : Welocome to my apartment
Matatagi : Wow

(Aki-nee come outcand saw Tenma with a guy and two little young ones besides on him)

Aki : Your back Tenma
Tenma : Yeah Aki-nee
Tenma : Oh by the way her name is Aki
Aki : Hello
Matatagi : My name is Matatagi
Aki : Nice to meet you
Matatagi : And this is my two little brothers
Matatagi : Yuuta and Shun
Aki : Oh hello
Yuuta : Hello Miss
Shun : Hi miss
Aki : Call me Aki-nee
Shun and Yuuta : *nodded*
Tenma : Well lets go to my bedroom and chnage
Matatagi : *nodded*

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