Mike's Backstory (Chapter 12)

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Matatagi's Pov

Well its been a while since I was on the jail and we made up pretty quickly

Tenma,Yuuta,Shun and our new member to our family name Mike was enjoying playing games in our bedroom while me sitting on the couch take my early coffee and read some books

It was really fun since I came back to his house and Aki-nee was on shopping to buy some stuff to our food situation

Well...sometimes, I think about Mike's Parents

He was pretty young to live outside on the streets and he doesn't know to protect himself especially to the kidnappers

But anyways, he was safe and sound for now

I gonna ask him a question later about his parents and more, to knew more information about himself

But right now, he should enjoy playing some games with Tenma and my two young brothers

Nobody's Pov

(Matatagi when upstairs and he knocked the door)

(Tenma hear it and said something)

Tenma : Come in!!

(Matatagi get inside and then he saw that they are playing video games)

(Tenma greet him when he came in)

Tenma : Ohh Matatagi!!
Tenma : How are you doing right now?

(Matatagi replied)

Matatagi : Well I am doing great

(Matatagi ask a question to Tenma)

Matatagi : Ummm..Tenma
Tenma : Yes?
Matatagi : Would I mind to talk to Mike for a little bit?

(Tenma hear the question and he answered it)

Tenma : Sure!!

(Tenma called Mike)

Tenma : Mike!!

(Mike looked up and then he go towards to Tenma and questioned about it)

Mike : What is it Ten-chan?

(Tenma said someting to him)

Tenma : Matatagi-chan wants to talk you for a while

(Mike replied)

Mike : I would love to chat with him
Tenma : Ok go with Matatagi-chan
Mike : Ok

(Mike go towards Matatagi and Matatagi thank Tenma)

(Tenma smile as the reply and then Matatagi and Mike w leave the bedroom and then they go to living room)

(They sat on the couch and then Matatagi starts the conversation)

Matatagi : Mike, I know that you been here for a while
Mike : Yeah and its really fun here
Matatagi : But I have some questions to ask on you because I am really curious about
Mike : What is those question Matatagi-chan?
Matatagi : Well its well-related to your family
Mike : Oh...
Mike : ....

(Mike becomes silence when Matatagi said that)

(Matatagi looked at Mike that he was really silent when he gonna question about his family)

(Matatagi got worried and then he ask a question to Mike)

Matatagi : Are you ok Mike?

(He apologize too)

Matatagi : I'm sorry if I am going to ask those weird questions

(Mike looked up to Matatagi and said something)

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