Puppy Marks - Tanjiro

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[Name] felt so puzzled staring down at the floor outside her house, (e/c) orbs practically glaring daggers at the large brown package infront of her. It was roughly around one and a half metres in height, with no labels saying where it was from, only a big fat pink note that said: 'Enjoy!'.

  How suspicious.

   "What the hell is this?" She mumbled to herself, utterly bemused by the box. Who sent it? Who would send it? Why? How?.. [Name] hoped it wasn't some creepy thing like a corpse or a weird collection of dolls. I hope it's not cursed either. "Guess I'll take it in."

  She bent down, grabbing the end of the box and yanked it— prepared to fight it to get inside— but was instantly surprised by how light it was. Just what's inside of here? [Name] bit her lip curiously, shutting the door behind her before going to grab a pair of scissors.

  "Here goes nothing."


  She opened the box slowly, afraid of what was inside but came face to face with well— A face.

  Magenta stared into (e/c).

  "Oh my GOD.!" She screamed, scurrying backwards with her scissors held out like a blade. What the hell?! [Name] wanted to cry. Scream. (Yell for Captain Levi to save her—) "Who are you?!"

  There was a boy around her age in the box. His eyes were a pretty, dark pink with long lashes. A small red mark rested on his forehead and she was somehow immediately reminded of Zuko. He had locks of red, wearing a pair of earring and a kimono.

And he had a pair of ears attached to his head.

   "Hello, [Name]-sama! I can't wait to be your boyfriend!"

  Wait What?


  "What did you just say?.." [Name] blinked once, twice. Thrice. "And who are you?"

  Was that a tail?—

  "My name is Tanjiro, a gift for you to cherish from the Gods." He smiled, tail wagging happily. Gosh, he looked so adorable that he put Totoro to shame. "Your now Ani-Human soulmate to make you happy."

  "I don't need a soulmate— I don't have one!"

   "No need to worry; your soulmate mark has already appeared on your neck." Tanjiro pointed out with a grin. "You should look at it."

  [Name] ran into her bedrooms and stood in front of her mirror, practically ripping off her turtleneck. Her eyes raced around her body, before focusing on the red, bruised-coloured mark on her neck.

"It's a hickey."

  Oh my God.

  She reached to trace it with her fingers—

  "If you touch it, you will feel similar to acts of self-pleasure."

  She wanted to scream.

   "What if you touch it?"

   "Oh, you'll want to have sex."

    "F*ck me."




  "Was that an offer?"



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