My bestfriend has been missing for almost a month, I'm worried sick 🤕. I can't help but to be scared she could be anywhere. But what happened today was CrAzY 😝.
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It's been almost a month since Madi went missing. I sigh 😔
I get up from my bed walking over to my sisters side of the room. She asked me.....
Alynna:You okay lil sis.
Me:Yeah, it's just been almost a month since she has been gone and there is no trace of her.
Alynna:She will be found, I promise.
Me:Are you sure.
Alynna:Yes, she has to be out here somewhere.
Me:Okay, I'm finna go upstairs and make some lunch, whatcha want?
Alynna:A salad maybe.
I walk into my brothers room and ask him and his girlfriend.
Me:Y'all want some salad for lunch.
Jocelyn:Yeah I'll take some.
Royce:Can you make me some noodles instead, please.
I walk upstairs and head into the living room to turn on music while I cook Royce's noodles.
While I was walking in the living room I see this nice ass car show up. It was a gold rolls Royce.
Then I see a man come out of the car at first I didn't see who it was until he had turned around.
My eyes widen.
Me:No way I can't believe that's him.
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This is Sauve He's 19 years old and he's a rapper.
Then out of nowhere I see lil mosey get out of the car. I was just thinking what the fuck is going on right now am I fucking dreaming. Like this shit cannot be a fucking dream. I was literally going to shit my fucking pants.
All of the sudden I see Madi get out of the car. I was so confused why this shit was happening in the first place.
They all come rushing up the stairs.
I unlock the door and run outside. I run up to Madi and was going to hug her but sauve pulled a gun on me.
Madi runs up to him and tries to smack the gun out of his hand. But somehow he managed to hold it tightly in his hand.
Sauve put the gun to madis head and mosey grabbed her and pulled her behind him.