Chapter 17

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I could barely check my email before work but I knew I had to.

It was bittersweet to see the confirmation email for a flight from New York to Indiana late Friday night, right after my return from London. There was no name next to the purchase detail. The ticket was first class.

No wonder my mom was pissed.

I wondered why Maisie had done it. It was the longest we'd been apart, and I knew she was sad about not being asked to the dance. But this. I had told her not to and it wasn't like her to go against me. 

I stared at the ticket for another minute before going to the lobby. The J's were there, as was Maura. She didn't say a word all the way to the studio, but it was a start.

Claudette had us fitting a few more models before our time in London was up, stating adamantly that we had to have all the Look Books updated before our return to Manhattan. Right before dismissal at the end of the day Claudette came over to our workspace. "Fern, stay after." She left without smiling.

"Do you want us to stay?" Jonah asked. I shook my head, "No, I'm okay." I was too numbed by the past couple days to be afraid.

"We'll wait at the cafe," Jimmy suggested, "Maura you in?"

She shrugged.

"Well, we'll be there." Jimmy told me as they packed up.

When I went over to the big white table, Claudette was arranging a color palatte. She didn't look up at me right away, so I stood awkwardly. Glancing around I realized we were the only people left in the studio. The table reminded me of Harry in his monkstraps...I shook my head to dislodge the memory.

The movement caught Claudette's eye. "Sit." She ordered.

I did as I was told.

"Do you know why I hired you?" Claudette asked, piercing me with her dark eyes. 

I shook my head.

"I saw your resume. 1 semester at NYU. I knew you'd be hungry. That you had to have this job."

I kept listening.

"Just so happened you actually have some talent. All four of you." Claudette rested her hands in her lap. "We brought you to London because we needed the junior stylist's help. But I've had my eye on you Fern." 

I wasn't sure where this was going. 

"When I founded Box I put every dollar I had into the down payment for that first studio space in the East Village. I got called crazy. I bet you've been called crazy since leaving NYU, yes?"

It was true, but judging from Claudette's eyebrow raise I was expected to say 'yes' regardless.

I nodded slowly.

"Your work in London has been good thus far. Which is why I've spoken to the other senior stylist about promoing you when we return to the city."

I let my mouth hang open.

"You're being offered a senior stylist position at Box." Claudette told me. "We need a youthful member of our team, and you're a viable candidate."

"What about the others?" I blurted.

"Talented. But I'm offering the position to you." Claudette said cooly.

Normally I would need time to digest and contemplate. Overanalyze the situation until I had an answer. But this week in London had changed me.

"Yes." I told Claudette firmly. "I'll take it, thank you."

She nodded her head. "Wise choice. We'll talk contracts in New York." She turned her head back to the color charts and I rose to leave.

As I reached the door Claudette said, "Oh, I know that was you with Harry Styles."

I stood frozen, barely managing to turn.

"Lie to me again and you're fired." 

I opened my mouth to protest, but the genuine smile that appeared on Claudette's face stopped me. "It's okay to be in love Fern, it's just not okay to lie about it."

And with that she dismissed me with a flick of her hand.


Despite it's short length, I actually really love this chapter. I think you're getting to see new things from both characters. What do you guys think?! Is taking the promotion the right choice for Fern? What will her friends think!?

Harry was in Manhattan last night. Dying. So close. So far.

Don't forget to comment/vote! Your feedback truly does help me improve my writing. It helps me know what you like, and what you would like to see improved! So leme know!

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