Chapter 23

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I was surprised to find how good it felt to be back at Box's New York offices. Everything familiar, back at my own desk.

For Claudette, drawing up my new senior stylist contract seemed to her as mundane as any task involving a non A-List client. But I was excited I now had the ability to book clients, design looks, and attend senior meetings. I also got my own phone line and pretty little raise.

I realized with a thrill I'd no longer be living pay check to pay check. A small miracle for an almost 20-something in the city. Maybe I could get my own place...

Maura and the J's were glad to see me. I told them all about my weekend, Jimmy practically trembling with the gossip. I'd snapped a few good photos of Harry and Maisie dancing, (one of which was my phone background) and the three of them squealed accordingly.

When I told them about the concert Jimmy responded, "I'm supposed to have coffee with my 'ex'," he put air quotes around "ex," "But I can tell him we'll reschedule."

"Great." I laughed, "Harry said he'd send a car."

Over lunch Maura dragged me to Sephora so she could get her make up touched up. Before we knew it our first work day back in New York had ended and we were in the back of a black SUV.

As my friends chatted, my phone rang, the number restricted. 


"Hi." His deep accent responded.


"Are you on your way?" Harry asked.

"Yes, thank you."

"I have a question," he responded, brushing off the thanks. "I need a stylist's help." 

I smiled into the phone. "What?"

"What should I wear on stage tonight?"

I scoffed slightly, "I don't know! What are your options?"

"Well sometimes I wear a t-shirt, sometimes I wear a jacket and a bow tie, it depends."

"How about a t-shirt and a jacket?" I suggested tentatively.

"Aren't you clever?" I could hear him smiling.

"I try."

"Not a bad idea though." He mused.

"Hey do you know something?" I asked.


"I don't know your phone number."

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"You're restricted!" I cried. I saw Jimmy mouth 'lover's quarrel' to Jonah, and tried to slap him while still holiding the phone.

"Oh shit, right." Harry said. "Must fix that. Remind me tonight." I could hear commotion in the background. "Sound check, gotta go. Thanks!"

We hung up.

Maura held up the pick up sign in the car's window. "Uhm, who's Green Leaves?"

I just rolled my eyes.

LIke he always did, Harry had everything set up. When we got to the venue they gave us passes so we could stand in front of the first row. The seats were already full of screaming girls in crazy outfits with big signs.

The J's were dually impressed. Jimmy especially had dressed in his trendiest (albeit all black) outfit for work. The coiff was stacked.

We waited for the show to start, and Maura and Jimmy quizzed me on my shamefully slim One Direction knowledge.

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