I think you know what's coming

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Who is my favorite wattpad author?

What is my favorite color?
Grey and dark mauve

What is my favorite genre and favorite book in that genre?
Fantasy, Percy Jackson, Heroes of Olympus, Land of Stories, Fablehaven, and Dragonwatch.

What. Is. My. Favorite. Food.
Well let me tell ya, pizza, anything potato except for potato salad and sweet potatoes, seafood but not octopus squid or caviar, I looooove sushi, meatloaf, egg rolls, pot stickers, rice, all McDonald's, (I'm very unhealthy) Mac and cheese, pasta, chicken, any meat tbh, ice cream, bacon, cheese, burgers, corn on the cob, pomegranates, raspberries, mangos, pineapple, Caesar salad, Mexican food, Chinese food, Italian food, Indian food, fast food, in case you can't tell I looooove food!

What is my favorite story out of the ones I've written?
This one bc I don't rlly write, and when I do it sucks.

What's my favorite song in the last week?
Love me less by MAX and Quinn XCII

What is my sexuality and gender?
I'm straight and I'm a girl.

Do I have a crush?

What is my favorite animal?
I like cats, koalas, bunnies, and ducks.

What is my spirit animal?

What is my favorite song from a musical?
Six, I hunk that's what it's called, idk what musical it's from, my cousin just sent me a link to this and I liked it. I don't watch musicals. She DOES.

What is my favorite video game?
Stardew valley and Minecraft.

How did I meet my closest friend?
I don't even know

Lock screen and home screen?

my home screen is the same thing

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my home screen is the same thing

What fandom am I currently in?
ALL of the PJO and HoO stuff

Have I watched and/or read Harry Potter?
Yes, I have watched and read all of them.


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