Ceterosexual/romantic, Skoliosexual/romantic

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The prefix Skolio means crooked or bent. A lot of people dislike it, because it implies non-binary people are unnatural and twisted.

The prefix Cetero means other and is prefered. 

Cetero means that a non-binary individual is romantically and/or sexually attracted to other non-binary people.
This term is only for non-binary people.

The Cetero pride flag has five stripes.

yellow: non-binary/ attraction to non-binary individuals

green: bigender, genderqueer and other genders

pink: love outside the gender noms

white & black: neutrois, agender, null gender or questioning gender identity

This is the most popular flag, but sometimes the pink stripe is a pink heart or the pink is left out.

(Didn't find any history 'bout the flag, let me know if you have information about it.)

Things that some people think about ceteros:

They only want attencion

• Non-binary does not exist

•It's fake

Cetero celebrities:
• ?
(Didn't find any)

Cetero fictional characters:
• ?
(Didn't find any)


Sorry for the late update, fellas and thanks for the many reads. It really means a lot.
I had exams and have some other left, but I'm gonna try and update when I have time.

If you want a sexuality in here, write a comment. 

Please no gender identity, but if your interested in it let me know, maybe I'm gonna make a whole dictionary just for them.

Anyway, happy pride!


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