Unfortunate Revolution

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             I sighed softly to myself as I ran my fingers through my long black hair. I hated it. It was just another reminder of why I am frowned upon by society. By my own mother. She looks at me and she just sees him, that filthy savage. I opened the door and swept the dust out quickly and then slammed it, trying not to see my reflection in the small creek by my house. It didn’t work, I caught a glimpse of my slightly orange skin, another trait from him. Who is this him? The man who raped my mother. But of course it coudnt have been a drunk English man that she could pass off as a normal child. No it was by an Indian. He is the reason why I cant go out of my house without people pointing and staring, he is the reason why my mother left me to live alone, he is the reason that I could never have any friends. Who wants to be friends with the mixed girl anyway. At least I have a normal name… Alexandria.

          I hummed quietly to myself as I took out two eggs to start dinner but then the house shook. Squealing quietly I went to duck and cover, and them muttering out a very un-lady like curse. I had dropped my last two eggs! And judging from the vibrations I couldn’t go to my normal suppler because I would pass right through the fighting. Those damn redcoats, trying to govern us the way they do! I hope we get our freedom, it would serve them right. I grabbed a basked, threw my hair in a quick braid, and walked out my door. I lived a little ways out from town, enough to keep me hidden but close enough that I could get my supplies. What did I did I do to get the money? Well I get my money from the man I call my supplier. I give him baked goods in return for a little bit of money and mainly materials. I took a deep breath as I entered the town of Valley Forge. I clutched my shawl tighter around my shoulders and marched on proudly.

        I could hear the whispers already, “She has the nerve to show her face around here?”

        “What a shame 16 and not even one potential marriage candidate.” I walked over to the egg dealer, a kind old lady. “One dozen eggs please.” I said softly. She looked up at me, smiled, and handed me the eggs. I handed her the money and nodded at her.

       “Have a nice day ma’am.”

        She smiled, “You too Alexandria.” I turned around and walked away. As I neared closer to my house I could smell the gun smoke. Crinkling my nose in disgust I trudged onwards. When I arrived to my house I gasped in shock, there was a redcoat at my door!

       “Excuse me miss…” He started off, I suppose he saw my skin before his sentence stopped dead.

      “What are you doing in front of my house?” I asked him.

       He stuttered, “I-I-I am so sorry miss but, n-n-never mind.”

      I shrugged, “If you are sure…” I asked in a sweet voice. He nodded and scurried off muttering something about a savage. I sighed and walked into my house. I walked over to the kitchen and started making my dinner, nothing fancy just a few flapjacks. Who says there is not breakfast for dinner? “No marriage candidates, who needs a man anyway?” I grumbled to myself. I looked at my food in a sudden disgust, I had lost my appetite recalling what the gossipers had to say. I shouldn’t let the food go to waste though… I smiled as I thought of an idea. I would give I to my supplier! I wrapped them up in a cloth and went through the back door of my little cabin. I walked through the woods when I came upon a slightly larger cabin. I knocked lightly on the door and shortly after there was an answer.

     “Marisol!” I smiled lightly. “What brings you here?”

      I motioned to the basket. “I just wanted to drop these off, I had a few extras.”

      He shook his head, “You went into town again didn’t you chica?” I looked down and nodded. He sighed, “Come on in, don’t just stand there like a stranger.” I started to protest before he interrupted, “Oh Mari this is Colonel Harvey James.” My eyes widened, a redcoat! He was very tall and had dark blue eyes with brown hair.

      “Nice to meet you Miss Marisol.”

      I nodded, “Actually it is Alexandria. Pedro just likes to call me that.” He nodded and bowed his head slightly. “My apologies.” I nodded stiffly. “If you will excuse me.” I set the basket down and left.

Colonel POV

      “Pedro?” I called off handedly while looking at the door.


      “Why do you call her Marisol?”

      He nodded. “In my language it means unfortunate.” I looked at him, “Oh?” He nodded. “She is the child of a rape. I am sure you noticed her strange looks no?” I nodded. “Her father is an Indian. As soon as the poor girl could function her mother was out the door, leaving a sweet little child all alone. Not that the town was of any help, they just blamed her. I was the only one who cared enough to help her.” I nodded.

      “Your housing services will no longer be needed, but hers will. Give me her address.” His eyes widened. So he wanted to protect her did he?

       “Oh, no! Colonel please I insist that you stay here! It is not proper for a man to house alone with a young women!”

      I shrugged, “She is already shunned, what would it matter?”

       He still shook his head. “I am sorry but I can not give her address out so flippantly like that. Please leave her alone.” I smirked, “Just who are you to give me orders?” His face paled. “Now I want you to give me an address, and I want it now.”


      I all but ran back to my house. Those darn redcoats barging in on people, demanding food and shelter. I shook my head, today had just been a bad day I suppose. I stopped at my door, surely if I went inside I would just be bored. Pulling up my sleeves I decided to garden a little. My garden was actually a couple hundred feet away from my house but it was un-assigned land so for the time being I had a small fruit garden. I got down on my knees and started tending to them when I realized that the sun was about to go down. I got up and started walking back home. By the time I got to the front door I was yawning. “I am so never pulling an all nighter again.” I walked in and I saw a silhouette sitting on my kitchen table. About to scream the shadow said.

      “And just what were you doing staying up all night?” I breathed a sigh of relief.

      “Colonel James you scared me. May I ask what you are doing here?” I walked over to the kitchen and lit a couple of candles. “I need a room.”

      I sighed. “I apologize sir but I only have one room, I am going to have to request you make other arrangements.” He didn’t seem put off by this statement. “Are you aware of how close you are to the battleground?”

      I nodded, “Yes but I am going to have to ask you to leave still.”

      He shook his head. “A young lady such as yourself should not be staying here alone. Give me somewhere to see and I will see that your refusal to house a soldier isn’t reported.”

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