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I felt the dry Arizona breeze smack me in the face as I stepped out of the airport. I had nothing but a medium sized suitcase and a backpack with me. Other people I saw had multiple bags, using the trolleys the airport provides for fifty cents. I looked down at my measly claim and choked up. This is all I had.

I stood on the sidewalk waiting to see the familiar car pass by. After fifteen minuets, I sat on my suitcase, feeling the sweat drip from my neck in between my shoulder blades. My entire body was covered in a sheen of sweat and frankly, it was quite disgusting. Occasionally a line of auburn sweat would drip down my cheek from my freshly dyed hair. I'd wipe it away and continue waiting for my ride.

Twenty minuets later, I was drenched in sweat. My face was without a doubt red, while my hair stuck to it. If I had a freaking phone I could call and find out where they were, but unfortunately I was no longer in the possesion of one. But, finally I saw the old station wagon pull up, my Gram getting out quickly.

"Oh Rory! We're so sorry. Your grandfather swore it was terminal two and not four. I tried to tell him, but you know how he is." She said grabbing my bag and pulling me into a hug. "Oh goodness, what happened to your hair?" She said touching it.

I ended up cutting off six inches so it rested at my shoulders and then I dyed it brown. "I needed a change."

"Well," Gram said touching my head. I knew she was probably going to lecture me a bit, but I didn't much care. "If you like it, I love it." She said with a smile, enveloping me into another hug. I smelled her sweet scent of apples and baby powder, tears pricking at my eyes. I detached myself, heading to the car.

"Hey Gramps." I said sliding into the old station wagon's back seat. I leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his drooping cheek.

"Who is this beautiful grown lady? That can't be my granddaughter all grown up." He said looking at me through the review mirror with a smile on his face. I rolled my eyes at his goofiness as Gram got back into the car and we drove off. Luckily they had the air conditioner going, cooling my over heated body down instantly.

As we drove I looked at my new home; barren, tons of empty dirt fields across the streets from shopping plazas. Apparently there was a large amount of agriculture grown here. Go figure.

The drive was mainly silent. The radio was on very faintly in the background to provide a sense of noise. My grandparents would every so often spout off a random fact about Arizona and I would "mm" and "ah" at the appropriate moments to make them seem as if I was truly interested in the "Five C's of Arizona". I didn't want to seem ungrateful for their kindness.

We got to their house and I silently slinked from the car grabbing my bags and walking up the drive to their two story home. It had been years since I had been here, years since I had even seen my grandparents. Sure we had spoken on the phone and the occasional Skype, but to see them face to face? It had maybe been three years.

I twisted the knob knowing they kept their front door unlocked during the day. I walked in and went upstairs to where the room I used to stay in was. As I walked through, I saw pictures of my grandparents when they were younger, my two aunts, my cousins, my mom ,and me. I almost turned the picture of me and my mother face down, but I resisted the impulse. I walked until I reached the stairs, dragging my suitcase behind me up the carpeted steps. Once I reached the landing, I was tired, but I walked down the short hallway, past the empty guest room for me and my cousins. I stopped at the last door, pushing it open.

The room was still a light shade of blue, reminding me of the rolling waves of home. Since there was only me and three other cousins, our rooms were personalized for us. My room still had the blue walls and sandy brown floorboards, reminding me of the beach. There was a queen sized bed in the center of the room, and two white nightstands next to it. Across the wall was a matching chest of drawers and a small little vanity station. I smile, remembering when me and my older cousin Emma would sneak into Gram's makeup and put it on each other; we usually ended up looking like circus clowns.

I threw my backpack on my bed, unzipping it. Inside of the bag contained my journal, a sock filled up with cash I had saved while working, a small envelope filled with notes from friends, a little notebook with email addressees and phone numbers. there were other little things in there that I just kind of threw into my nightstand drawers. I was getting ready to unpack my suitcase when there was a soft knock on my door.

"Can I come in?" I heard Gram ask. I walked to the door and pulled it open.

"Yeah, sure." I said turning around and walking back to my bed. I kicked my shoes off and sat on the bed, folding my legs underneath myself.

"We wanted to know what you wanted to eat tongiht? We can go out or eat something here. It's up to you." Gram said shifting her weight from foot to foot. This was so incredibly awkward. Gram and Gramps hadn't raised a teenager in well over twenty years, and back then things were way different. They were probably just as nervous and scared as I was.

"Can we just eat here?"

"Sure. We have stuff for burgers. Is that okay?" I shook my head yes and Gram smiled and left my room, gently shutting my door.

I laid back on my bed, staring at the ceiling above me. I missed home. Even though the last two years it hasn't really felt like home, more of a place I lived, I missed it. I missed my dog Rory Jr. I missed my friends. I missed the beach. I missed my little beat up bike I would ride everywhere. I just missed California. Yeah, I was only a state over, but it felt like I was galaxies away. Going from the cool seventy degree weather to a blazing ninety-five was overwhelming.

I think at some point I fell asleep, because Gramps came into my room shaking me awake. "Honey dinner's ready," He said as I turned to look at him. "Have you been crying?" He said touching my cheek tenderly.

I touched my face and there was moisture on my cheeks. "Oh, uh I gues I was crying in my sleep." I mumbled embarrased.

"Honey, what's wrong?" He said with sadness in his eyes.

"Just everything." I sighed, my lip quivering. "I love you and Gram, but I miss home. I just can't believe that all this happened." I said, a few tears escaping from my eyes.

"I can't either sweetie, but we have to play the hand that life deals us. Don't worry kiddo, things are gonna get better, I promise." He said kissing my forehead.

I started crying harder, throwing my arms around my grandfather, hugging him tightly. I wasn't crying because of sadness, but because of happiness; my Gramps was the most amazing man ever. I pulled back and wiped my face off, heading downstairs with him. Gram had laid out a build-you-own-burger style buffet on the breakfast bar. I grabbed a plate and walked over there, building a monstorous burger then sitting down at the table. I dug in, this being the first thing I had ate all day. I didn't care that I was burning my tongue, I just kept scarfing it down. I finished in less than ten minuets and jumped up to get seconds. Truthfully, I hadn't been eating much in the last few weeks, practically being rationed food back at home.

I felt the tears prick at the back of my eyes, but ignored them, pushing the stomach churning thoughts back. I made another burger and grabbed more fries, sitting down with my grandparents and eating more slowly this time. I didn't look up as I ate, knowing that I was probably getting incredulous stares from them both. I peeked through my lashes, but they were looking at their own plates awkwardly. I cleared my throat, preparing to explain.

"I haven't-"

"You don't have to explain anything to us Rory." Gram said with a small smile. I nodded gratefully and finished dinner in silence. It wasn't an awkward silence, but more of an understanding silence. I finished dinner and got ready to do the dishes when Gram stopped me. "Oh no, your grandpa can do that," She said nuging him. "You just get some sleep, we have to go to the school tomorrow at ten-thirty to finish getting you signed up." She said giving my forehead a small kiss.

"Goodnight." I said giving her and Gramps a hug then trudging upstair to my room. I flopped on my bed, sleep instanly finding me.

A/N: I added a picture of what I imagine Rory to look like

Runaway Groupie //  A Michael Clifford FanficWhere stories live. Discover now