Outbreaks and Bands

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“Yes, yeah Mom, yep mhmm I got it.” I roll my eyes as, for the ninth time during this phone call, my mother tells me all the things I should refrain from doing if I happen to bump into the worlds greatest band. “I know Mom, but that was only one time back when I was a kid. What do you mean that was just four months ago? Look Mom I promise I won’t attack any body guards or other fans if they get in the way of my loves. Alright, okay bye I love you!”

I hang up and flop down onto my bed letting out a groan. “You get arrested one time for trying to roundhouse kick a person and your mother never lets you hear the end of it.” I say to the ceiling, watching my fan go around and around.

“Well to be fair it was a twelve year old you tried to kick. Plus I think you bit one of the security people and four of them had to take you down. Oh and before that you were trying to scare people away by telling them you had this deadly contagious disease.” My best friend, Tiffany reminds me as she backs out of my closet arms filled with clothes.

“Hey! It’s not my fault, she was getting a little to mouthy about the things she wanted to do to Michael.” I say trying to justify my actions.

“You do that all the time Sin, I don’t see what the problem was.”

“But I am closer in age to them, so if you think about it I was teaching her respect.” I say proudly.

Tiffany laughs while picking up a pair of black vans skinny jeans. “You taught her a lesson with your foot. Alright whatever you got to tell yourself to feel better about it. Come on Sin if we’re going to go hunt for the boys we need to do it while it’s still early it’s usually when most fans spot them.” She tells me.

“I know,” I say as I get up off the bed, “but where are we going to head first? I mean we could go to Desert Sky Mall but they probably wouldn’t head there since they would be mobbed by crazy fans. Then again we’re talking about a group of guys that like to dress up and try to promote their own album in stores. So Desert Sky it is, let’s go Tiff!” I snatch up my car keys, practically leap over the banister and speed walk to the car.

“Hey watch where you’re going you idiot!!” Tiffany yells at this man when he runs into her. “That’s the third time I’ve been ran into what’s going on is there a sale happening somewhere? Do you think someone has spotted the boys and that’s why everyone is hurrying? We have to get there before they are rushed by fans!”

I continue walking towards Hot Topic even though she’s probably right. “Let’s just check Hot Topic first if we don’t find them there then we’ll head where everyone else is going. I really doubt that’s why everyone is running around though, I mean why would a seventy year old man be running to see the boys.”

Again someone bumps into Tiffany only this time it’s a lady who is holding her side which is pouring blood. With a terrified look in her eyes she scurries away.

“Woah Sin, did you see that woman she was bleeding from her side. What is going on is there some Black Friday type of sale happening. I should have brought my switch blade I need to start carrying it around for these type of events.” Tiffany says with excitement in her voice.

“I’m not going to even respond to that comment.” I say right as we turn the corner to the plaza Hot Topic is in. The area is in complete chaos, everywhere I look people are dashing around looking behind them then turning around with fear on their faces. Some people are holding various bleeding parts of their person. Every single person was screaming and some were punching and shoving others.

Tiffany and I come to a stop in the midst of it all staring at men standing ten feet away from us.

“For fucks sake Luke stop farting in public because this is what happens!” Michael scolds Luke.

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