Chapter LIII. Solace Of My Heart !!

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Mia Pov

After Adam left me, i freshen up, and changed into comfortable clothes which martha bought along with my wedding dresses, for tommarrow i will be staying at this hotel suit tonight, as per the planned, tommarrow we will be one, will be together as Adam said he will wait for me at the altar, as i think how my life took 365 turn, in one night lot of things to digest, i look up at the ceiling, Ethan Nathan's biological father, Ken Freaking Williams Gay not that a pyscho who not only killed Ethan but also killed Papa, and tried to kill me and was planning on taking my baby away, nathan away from me this thought alone brings panic and restlessness in me,i took my phone and called nathan, it was ringing and but nathan was not picking it up, i tried it again,

"HELLO MIA?" Adam's father picked up

"Yeah Dad, i just wanted to speak with Nathan" he passed the phone to nathan and next came his cherry voice.

"Hey mommy, have you got chocolate icecream?" I giggled at the question, first thing he asked me was this.

"Yes baby i had"

"Good, what are you doing"

"I was just missing you so called you" i said

"Awww, mommy only one night then tommorrow morning i will be with you, ok BE GOOD" listening him makes me laugh he behaves above his age everytime.

"Yes sweetie, i will meet you tommarrow morning GOOD NIGHT BABY" and i hung up

I sat on my bed lost in my thoughts, sometimes in life we needed this turning points, a jerk which shows you who are your closed ones and who are your enemy, Life way of teaching you a perfect lesson, that next time you will think lot many times before acting, my emotional attachment towards papa lead me to sign that stupid contract, not that benefitted me, in anyways i lost Papa, my last family person dear to me, but that stupid contract gain me much more not money, but my baby nathan, martha, mike, mom,dad, and last but not least my LOVE MY ADAM, we met eachother, may be its our destiny's way to bring us together, even if it is twisted in its way, but atlast we are together, i was mess these pass days, jumping on ridiculous conclusions about him, at some point i just doubted on Adam love for me, i even decided to leave everything behind, leave adam behind.

Now that i have the whole night alone, i thought i was being childish, thinking stupidly, doubted that man who taught me what is loyalty, taught me how to love, he trusted me blindly and what i did i just concluded that his love for me vanished, and i even thought of leaving him, OH MY GOD FORGIVE ME, for my idiotic behaviour, i have to talk to Adam, and without thinking i dialled his number,

~Ring ~

      He picked up but i stopped him saying anything because now its my turn to say.

" Shhhhhhhhhhuu, just listen I M SORRY a big one, sorry for behaving brat-ishhh, sorry for doubting you, sorry for thinking ridiculous stuff about our relation,sorry for not believing in you, sorry for not trusting in your love, sorry for each and everything, now i know how much you suffered those days, now i understand how much it was difficult for you to keep everything bottled up inside you, now i understand how its difficult for you to keep truth hidden from me, from everyone, how much you restrained from bursting out in anger, i understood now and i promise you that in future i will be by your side ruling besides you as the Queen you wanted me to be. I will trust you, i will support you,i will takecare of you, and most of all I WILL LOVE YOU till my last breath Adam, i hope my apology will be enough for my inappropriate behaviour for last few days, and if not i will make it up to you for the whole life till eternity."

There was silence for a while,

" Here i pronounce you husband and wife, now Mr. Adam you may kiss the Bride on phone ofcourse, as she took the whole VOWS here it self" Mike started laughing.

"Mike where is adam?" I felt disappointed i wanted to talk to adam, and i told that whole thing to mike,

"Hey hey My thinking express dont worry you are connected to Car Bluetooth, Bro is driving so he connected the phone to the car and not to worry he heard each and every word you spoke" listening to mike saying he heard everything put my heart at ease.

"MIA, i will call you in 20 min okay" and he hungup, why he wanted 20 min is he having second thoughts i started biting my lips, why he hungup i was staring at the screen like dumbo, messaged poppup.

* Message *

*DONT... am not having any second thoughts okay, give me 20 minutes 💕 *

Hushhhh may be he needs to speak with me without Mikes interuption, he will call me after reaching home, meanwhile i went through some of my agency accounts balance sheets which katty has mailed me, after checking all my mails and sending vote of thanks to those clients and friends whom i invited for wedding but cant able to attend tommarrow sent me congratulatory mails my room bell rang i went to answer that, when i opened the door there was this boy standing holding a beautiful Red rose bouque, and basket from his attire he looked like he is from hotel staff.

"Hello Mam Good Evening, these are from Mr.Gilbert" awww Adam sent these for me, i looked at the clock and it showed it was exactly 20 minutes passed since i spoken with him, he wanted 20 minutes to arrange this gesture,i thanked the boy and shut the door, i brought the stuff to my room, and placed it near my bed side table and read the note attached on Bouque it say 'FOR MY BEAUTIFUL WIFE' which made me smile a full blown smile, my phone ring, indeed Adam was calling.

"Hey "

"I take that you got my gifts," his husky voice came through which made me giddy, and i smiled

"Hmm mmm"

"So have you had your dinner?" he asked

"Ya i had, have you?"

"Hmm"was his response

"Adam I am Sor...."

"Stop ... stop saying that, i can understand what you went through, and i am the one who should apologise, not you, Mia you are my precious, and nothing in this world will change that, i had lost my heart to you long back, and even if you wanted to give it back to me it wont do, you came in my cabin, you saw me and thus my heart is stolen and locked it away within you, no body no one can undo this ever, and i told you you are my queen and will always be with me, I LOVE YOU MIA YOU ARE MINE, MINE TO CONQUER,MINE TO LOVE" he said and till he complete i was crying happy tears.

"You are Solace to my heart Mia, You are the calmness to my inner soul and i need you only for me"

"You are Solace to my heart Mia, You are the calmness to my inner soul and i need you only for me"

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