Passenger Series Part One

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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader

Word Count: 1,119

Warning: One swear.

Summary: Flying , the reader isn't fond of flying, what happens when the stranger next to her steps in?

Chapter One the flight

Letting out a shaky breath, you glanced down at your boarding pass

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Letting out a shaky breath, you glanced down at your boarding pass. It wouldn't be much longer before the flight attendants would come over the loudspeaker, beginning to board the plane. The boarding gate seemed to be abnormally noisy as chatter and laughter filled the air.

Your nerves began setting in, as you could feel the slight shake of your body. Your palms began to sweat profusely, darting your eyes around the boarding area, another shaky breath left your lips.

"First time flying?" A husky voice questioned, bringing your attention in front of you.

"No, I...I just don't like flying." You frowned, bouncing your leg in an attempt of achieving comfort.

"What's your name?" The chocolate-colored hair man asked, as his blue eyes beamed with excitement.

Frowning, you contemplated giving him a fake name. "Y/N."

"Nice to meet you." He smiled. "I'm James, but my friends call me Bucky."

You hummed in response.

Before either of you could respond, the flight attendants began calling to board the flight.

"Well, James." You  gathering your belongings. "It was nice to meet you, I have to go."

Without another word, you got in line with your fellow passengers, waiting to board the plane. Fear began to course through your veins as you stood in line. Heat began to rise in your face, as you felt yourself sweat a little bit.

As you were boarding the plane, you began wondering who you were seated next to. Your seat was in the very back, close to the bathroom. Sighing, you slid into the row of seats, taking the middle seat. Pulling out your book, you began reading attempting to pass the time, until the plane took off.

"Y/N?" Bucky's voice questioned, pulling your attention away from the book.

"Bucky?" You questioned in disbelief.

He chuckled slightly, giving you a toothy grin. "I have the window seat."

"Oh." Standing up, you made your way out of the row, slightly tripping as you moved. Bucky was quick on his feet, placing his hands on your waist attempting to steady you. You hadn't registered his close proximity until, you were gazing into his soft ocean blue eyes. His cologne filling your senses.

"Sorry." You mumbled.

He smiled down at you.

As the plane was getting ready for take-off, you were growing more and more anxious. Closing your eyes, you tried to focus on your breathing. The plane took off. Your hands gripped the armrests, making your knuckles turn white. A large, calloused hand, softly gripped yours as a thumb gently rubbed along your knuckles.

"You're okay." Bucky's husky voice filled your ears. "Focus on my voice."

Nodding your head, you agreed. He softly whispered encouraging words, while rubbing your knuckles.

Opening your eyes, you let out a heavy sigh. For the first time that day, the feeling of comfort washed over you. Turning your head towards Bucky, you gazed across his features, while the thought of running your hands through his soft long hair occupied your mind.

"Thank you." You murmured.

During the six-hour flight, you had finished your book. The feeling of boredom washed over you.

"Do you have family in New York?" Bucky asked.

"No, just me." You smiled. "Do you?"

"Something like that." He smirked.

The next few minutes were filled with small talk between you and Bucky.

He began watching a movie.

The flight attendants began going to each row, giving out drinks. When they stopped at your row, you noticed the flight attendants' eyes light up as she gazed at Bucky. Hunger was evident in her eyes, as she shamelessly flirted with Bucky.

Not wanting to witness the awkward interaction, you put your headphones in closing your eyes you attempted to rest. It didn't take long, before you were out like a light.

A soft voice, awoke you. Groaning, you opened your eyes, noticing everything was sideways. It didn't take long before you realized you had fallen asleep on Bucky's shoulder. Bolting upright, embarrassment began coursing through your veins.

"Shit." You mumbled. "I'm sorry."

He chuckled lightly, his laughter suddenly made butterflies go crazy in your stomach.

"It's alright." He responded.

Looking down, you noticed something was wrapped around you as a makeshift blanket. The familiar scent of Bucky filled your nose. Using your peripheral vision you saw, his arms. One was metal and one was flesh, he must've put his jacket over you while you slept.

Turning towards Bucky, you gazed at his soft expression. Before either of you could respond, the sound of someone clearing their voice.

"Give me a call sometime, big boy." She spoke, winking at Bucky.

Once she left, you chuckled slightly. The feeling of hurt overwhelmed you. Bucky was an attractive young man, someone you would normally stay away from.

His eyes locked with yours, in an apologetic way. As you both exited off of the plane, he walked beside you to the luggage carlisle. Reaching for your bag, a large hand quickly reached over, grabbing it for you.

Walking beside eachother, the conversation between you and Bucky continued.

"Do you think.." He hesitated. "Do you think I could have your number?"

Giggling you nodded, exchanging phones you both put your phone number in the others phone.

"Bucky!" A large muscly blonde man, darted over to you. "How've you been Buck?"

Bucky hugged the man, before he chatted with him. "This is Y/N."

Catching you off guard, you looked at the blonde like a deer in headlights. Bucky introducing you to his friend, was the last thing you expected.

"Hi, nice to meet you." His husky voice pulled you from your trance. "I'm Steve."

Nodding you shook his hand. A tall raven haired man, joined the group.

"Sam, this is Y/N." Bucky introduced you once again.

"Nice to meet you." You greeted, shaking the mans hand.

The guys began talking again, as you gazed between the men.

"I should get going." You spoke up. "It was nice to meet you all."

Before you left, Bucky quickly pulled you in for a hug. The close proximity made heat expand in your chest, as his scent filled your nose for the last time that day.

"See you around." He smiled.

"I hope so." You nodded.

Hailing a taxi, you gave him your address.

Arriving back at your small apartment, you heard your phone ding, signalling you had a text.

Unpacking, you placed your dirty clothes in your laundry basket. Pulling a jacket from your carryon you recognized it. Somehow, Buckys' jacket was in your carryon bag. Frowning you hadn't realized you took it. Opening your phone, you couldn't help the smile that made it's way across your face.

Bucky: I know a vintage bookstore, are you busy?

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