Chapter Twelve

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*Noone POV*

The next morning everyone woke up not too late and not too early with a bright face. Of course they are, who will not wake up with a bright face when they're in a good mood? If there is someone lile that he or she must be crazy enough not tp enjoy the moment. They did morning greet at each other and went off to bath one by one.


Finally everyone has done clean up themselves and dressed up amazingly. They agreed to meet at Starbucks nearby the Incheon Airport to have late breakfast together before aboard to Jeju Island soon.

Tyra, Cass, Carter and Dallas arrived at the first place. Tyra and Cass were queing to order for them first. Carter and Dallas were incharge to find a place to sit that can fit all 18 of us.

Its their turn now and the worker named Daisy greet them "good morning, welcome to Starbucks. Can I help you guys?" Wahh, it seems everyone is in the good vibes beside us haha. "Morning to you too. I would like to have a americano please make it not to thick, a blended mochacinno with whiped cream, a black coffee and a latte with ice." Tyra placed her order like a machine and the girl said "it will cost 5000¥ won" she gives her the money and Cass walked to the barista section to take the order.

As soon as the order were done, they walked together to their table near the window at the back side of the cafe. This place is great cause the idol teams sure do need privacy too eventhough they're on leave.

They'd waited for the idols around10 minutes like that and they saw a black car finally arrived. It was iKON who arrived there first and thanked God noone recognise them since they had covered up they faces with face mask, shades and scarfs.

Hanbin texted Tyra to ask her where she was and she respond back ASAP that they're in the cafe but more like at the back side of it and they went in just like how she told Hanbin. Followed by GOT7 who arrived at the moment when Hanbin got a text back from Tyra. They had covered their faces too so no fangirls or fanboys at the moment. They guys boy hug each other as greetings and Tyra just gave a quick hug to all of them. Cass just waving as hi and now Carter and Dallas help to order for the guys cause they don't want to cause a scene.

"Hey, what can do for you?" Its still the Daisy girl and Carter asked for "4 lattes with ice cubes, 2 blended cappucinnos, 5 black coffees, 3 mocha frapes and last but not least 10 plain donuts and 8 bagels." Daisy smiles to them as a yes and she said "65000¥ won please" and Carter gives the money to her and walk with Dallas to the barista section to take the order.

They eat and drinks while chatting and jokes around till the clock shows at exactly 12 noon. Now all they have to do is walk to the airport. The walking doesn't took much effort and time.

*Tyra POV*

We walked to the airport together but along the walks Jackson didn't let me to carry my own suitcase. He offered to help me since I've done everything for our vacation. I'd told him earlier it was not a big deal at all but he kept insisting so I let him.

We have 10 minutes left for our flight so we have to check-in our suitcase now. "Guys, lets check-in first" I said to them and they followed me to a certain area but Jaebum had stopped me and ask a question "Don't tell me you had booked for us bussiness class flight and not economic class."

Opss, busted Tyra. You had no choice to tell them "actually yes I had booked bussiness class for all of us and sorry not to tell you guys soon. I thought this will be a great surprise and not to be rude oppa, we really have to check in now or else we might left our flight and fyi the tickets is not refundable so just play along please" I'm using aegyo to provoke him a little bit and it works he only said "aish this girl, arasso kaja"

Thank God we made it to the security and stuff. Jaebum oppa pinched my nose as a punishment because I didn't tell them at the first place. Whatever, haha they'll follow what I planned too so be it.

*Ding ding dong*

"Passangers of flight AS96, boarding to Jeju Island please walk to the gate now" we heard the announcement and move to the gate and as usual business class always enters first before the economic class. For the business class passangers is only us so we can seat anywhere that we want.

(I'm sorry if this not true but seriously I've never enter a bussiness class in a flight before but whatever. The seats will be like this)

First row from the left side window.

Mark | Jackson | Me | Yunhyeong

Second row from the left side window.

Bobby | Hanbin | Jinhwan | Junhoe

Third row from the left side window.

Bambam | Yugyeom | Donghyuk | Chanwoo

Forth row from the left side window.

Dallas | Carter | Cass

Last row from the left side window.

Jaebum | Junior | Youngjae

So everyone has taken their seat and we wait for the others passanger to be placed in their seat so we can board along to Jeju Island. I feel bad not to sit with my gang so I send a chat to group 'Sakainess'


Tyracinno❤ : guys, I'm so sorry not to sit along with you. I promise to make it up when we're there. Lets have fun, saranghae, xoxo ;)

AsianC : awhh baby, you don't have to worry about us arasso?

Cassy❤ : eh bae, you don't need to feel bad at all. We're proud to call you our baby because you've done all this. If it's not you, we can't meet GOT7 and iKON like this close. Nado chinguya, saranghae❤❤❤

AsianC : btw fyi, Dallas has already dozed off haha -.- I bet he is also on the same page with us. Thank you for all of this.

Tyracinno❤ : aish guys, please don't make me cry. Okay okay, I promise we'll have an awesome time there!

Ahhh, thats a relief. As I look at my side Yoyo is already close his eyes to sleep. Mark and Jackson is fight over something on Mark's phone. Haha, they really look like kids fighting over something.

"Good evening passangers, you may off your phone now. We are about to board in 10 seconds. Don't forget to fasten your seatbelt" the stewardess incharge reminds everyone. After I've fasten up my seatbelt I feel a tap on my left shoulder and I turn around to see Jackson is grinning and his face looks like he is about to ask me some question.

"Hey, wanna share earbuds and listen to songs? Or you want to have some rest?" He asked me. I saw Mark has deeply into the dreamland so I'm thinking he might be bored so I just node him. He puts one of his earbuds and play a nice song. The lyrics was meaningless and beautiful.

Suddenly I felt like my eyes are getting heavier and I kept on yawning. The last thing I know, I placed my head onto Jackson's shoulder and fell asleep soundlessly. I can feel his right arm around me but IDC anymore, I'm too tired now.

To be continued . . . Guys! Sorry if this chapter is just this long. I've really put all of my effort and time since 0150 in the morning just now till now on this. I hope you guys really like it and enjoy it. I've been really busy since the past few days. I really feel bad and guilty towards all of you. I promise to update sooner and longer. Have a nice holidays and MERRY CHRISTMAS TO THOSE WHO CELEBRATES IT! Do votes, take care, xoxo.

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