1. Letter to Juliet

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This story is just based on my imaginations. Soo yeah! Enjoy.

WARNING: *Unedited*

Loise P.O.V

I'm just a simple girl with a simple life. That's what my parents have thought me. Having it simple is perfectly fine with me tho. Supporting parents of mine, having good grades and a friend . What could I ask for? A boyfriend. My inner self interrupted.

" Loise! You're going to be late. " my mom called out.

I watched my reflection for the last time and mentally praised myself. Grab my sling bag and head my way down stairs.

" See you later mom." I kissed her forehead and went to school.

I'm the only child of my parents, because after I was born mom was diagnosed with an ovarian cancer. In which both of her ovaries was taken off. I was hoping to have a younger sibling, but what can I do?

As I reached my room, in which it is noisy. My friend Cassidy waved at me gesturing to have a seat next to her. Soo I hurriedly took the seat.

" Hey! How's your weekend?" Cassidy asked.

Cassidy and I were bestfriends since five. Been in thin and thick situations, well guess what. We still have each other as friends for life.

" It's fine, no eventful happened. How about you?" I asked.

She shrugged. " Same. "

Well, it's because we both have no boyfriends to talk to or even shared with. Being in an exclusive school for girls, everything seems boring.

Every one took their seats as Ms. Joon entered our room.

" Good morning class. " She greeted.

I took my notebook and pen incase of jutting down some important terms in his lecture. Suddenly a knocked on a door had our attention.

" Ms. Joon, may I interrupt your class for a second. " Our headmistress entered.

I seldom seen our headmistress in school. Well today I have the chance to meet her again.

" If your parents have received a letter from St. Gregory Academy a school exclusive for boys. Please report immediately at my office. " Our headmistress said.

It earns a noise inside the room then suddenly halted by Ms. Joon.

St. Gregory Academy? I know it's an exclusive for boys school, but how can they sent letters to our parents? That school is know for it's high standard in terms of teaching education. And also known to have all trained, well etiquette and bunch of rich lads. And an opposite to our school.

" Soo the rumors are true. " Cassidy popped in.

" Rumors about what?" I asked curiously.

She looked at me like I've just grown another head.

" That St. Gregory will be recruiting new students. More likely girls. " she cheered.

Okay? Wait! What?

" Why?" I asked.

She shrugged. " I don't know? But I'm hoping mom would receive one of that letter. "

I mentally prayed that mom would not receive one of those letters. But a ten percent in me also hoped I'll be chosen as well. I mentally giggled, maybe this time I could have a boyfriend now. As imagining myself into that situation my cheeks suddenly redden.

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" Are you going to attend our dance tutorials later?" Cassidy asked averting her gaze to me.

" Of coarse. Miss Han is partnering us with our respective partners from St. Gregory students. Remember?" I replied while taking a bite of my sandwich.

As I much wanted to skip the dance tutorials today, I'm quite curious as to whom I'll be partnered with. Well, our school is an exclusive for girls. And that makes me wonder as to why St. Gregory Academy would be recruiting students from our school.

" Well. I'm excited! I hope I'll be partnered with someone hot." Cassidy said dreamingly.

I just chuckled.

In every year the ball which was hosted by our school. All seniors students will be partnered with the senior students of St. Gregory Academy. It is a tradition of the two school to tighten the bond between St. Gregory and St. Monica. And rumors had spread that last years ball is one of the best grand ball that had been celebrated for almost a decade. And this year everyone is obliged to put all their efforts into it.

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As Cassidy and I entered the hall in where we will be meeting our partners. Miss Han called my attention.

" Miss Han?" I asked.

" Miss Loise Jung I'm sad to say that you'll be no longer to join the ball. " Miss Han said.

Since I entered this school, I patiently waited for this time to happened. The day that the ball I was praying to come, would no longer be experienced by me. I was devastated, why? I asked myself. I never had bad remarks in my past in this school. In fact I had the highest percentage in the ranks. Soo why?

" Why Miss Han?" I asked holding my tears.

She hesitated for a minute. " Just asked the headmistress Miss Jung. "

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" It's just a ball." Cassidy patted my shoulder.

" A ball that I waited for my whole entire childhood." I wipped forcefully my tears.

" Then asked the Headmistress. " Cassidy replied.

Cassidy is right I should asked headmistress about this. But not today, maybe tomorrow. I can't face her in this situation of mine. Cassidy was left in school to have the meet and dance tutorials. While me on the other hand went home.

How can I open this news to my mom? Mom surely will be upset too. My mom also took her studies at St. Monica Academy. And she was the one who share her experience during their time at the ball. I really wanted to know the reason why headmistress wouldn't allow me to join the ball.

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" How's school?" Mom asked.

" Fine. " I replied, not meeting h

Mom raised a brow at me. " Are you sure?"

I took a sip of water. And nodded at her.

After I went home, I had felt that all my energy was drained because of that bad news. I had no guts on how to tell mom about it.

" I had received a letter from St. Gregory. So, what is your plan?" mom suddenly asked.

Hearing St. Gregory, everything make sense now.

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Hey! This is the chapter one! Soo whatcha think? Please leave a comment. Positive or Negative, I'll appreciate it very much.

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