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Harry- You do look really good in that dress, Dray

Draco- Thanks babe, I know I do, I might start doing drag!! ;) (When I put one of those it means their smiling, winking, sad or angry)

Harry- You definitely should Dragon, you could be famous!!!

Draco- Yeah? I probably will post it on my socials!

Harry- I will be your number one fan, what will your drag name be!

Draco- Queen Salted DRAGon, bitch! Sorry, my diva side came out! *mouth pops*

Harry- *laughs his ass off* Okay but that drag name is perfect!!

Draco- I know, I know, I'm great at everything. I'm especially good in bed (;

Harry- DRACO!!!! *blushes* (I make this while listening to Cavetown)

Draco- Nevermind this when are we getting our kids?!?

Harry- Ummm.... I think we're getting them on May 30th, a day before pride month starts!

Draco- Okay!!! I'm ready!!!!

Harry- You better be ready!!! I'm scared Dray, what if they don't like us!?!

Draco- They'll like us fine, babe

Harry- But what if they don't!!!

Draco- Shh... They will, who wouldn't want two gay dads?

Harry- I guess you're right

Draco-You, guess?

Harry- You're one hundred percent right!

Draco- I know

Harry- Have you got TikTok yet??

Draco- Obviously, I have 100k followers on there!

Harry- WHAT???!!! I HAVE 20!!!! 20!!!

Draco- 20 thousand isn't that bad!

Harry- No, just 20 people are following me!!!

Draco- Oh..... Well, I'll give you a shoutout!!

Harry- You will? :)

Draco- Yeah! Of course I will!!

Harry- I love you!!!!

Draco- I love you too, Scarhead

Harry- *hugs him*

The two boys go to bed thinking about that day, they smile as they cuddle, Draco holding his little husband in his arms. If Draco's dad was here he may have been upset but Draco doesn't even care. Harry is usually the big spoon but today Draco was.
They're completely happy and excited for the coming days when they get to get their kids. They can't wait to tell them dad jokes and treat them like the little kings they are! Little does Harry know, everything is going to turn out just fine.
[Another chapter is done, this time with 300 words, something surprising {kind of} is going to happen when they get the boys]

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