chapter 1🖤

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" This year is pretty long dad, I mean we've been in April for the past 3 weeks yet it feels like it's been 8 whole weeks"

"Instead of complaining Anna you should hurry to school or you will be late"

On my way to school I usually imagine that I am in a neighborhood where there is wealthy people only. That imagination never gets in the way of me greeting Mrs Green and the other elders in the neighborhood.

Seattle is a city in Washington and i grew up here. Many prefer calling it a city but I am more comfortable referring to it as a neighborhood. Nothing much ever happens around here, we come across pregnant teenagers, drug addicts, nerds, bullies, business owners and many more. I like walking slowly to school, observing everything and trying to spot any changes, though I haven't seen any as amusing over the past fourteen years.

Ashley and Leah are two of my friends who usually arrive earlier than me and wait at the entrance of our school. Ashley is lesbian and there was once a rumour that we are an item. Leah is quite bubbly, I am the only shy and quiet one amongst the three of us. We get to the school hall and sit near the back.

"Good morning girls and boys," greets our principal Mr Mc'Gregory.

"Morning sir" we all say tiredly. That is just how our Monday assembly is, No enthusiasm and energy. We pray then rush to our register classes. Mrs Smith is our register teacher and is said to be 'cool' by learners, I think she is nice.

Right after our lunch time, the intercom announces that there is a meeting for all nineth grade learners when the bell rings. We all start talking amongst our selves until Mr Mc'Kenna, our English teacher reprimands us.

The bell rings and all grade nice students rush to the hall for the meeting, the 'cool crew' walk slowly as always. They consider themselves cooler than the rest of us. Mr Davidson is the tenth grade maths and science moderator and often encourages us join the science competition. This time he was telling us about working hard so that we are chosen to be on the science class.

"I don't think it was necessary to invite all of us to this meeting known that some of us suck at maths and science" Ashley says.

"Exactly"reacted Leah. "He should have said it is for geniuses such as Anna"

" That is just not fair and I am not a genius" I defensively say. Ashley and Leah have a mindset that they suck at books, I just think they need to work a little bit harder.

I am not an out going person but whenever I need space, I go out with Ashley to the library to help her with maths. My parents say I am closer to Ash than Leah but I doubt that. After a tiring Monday, Ash and I head to the library. We spent three hours at the library then off to the bakery to get some muffins. Since Ash and I take different paths home we now have to separate so we hug and go home. Right at the corner of Mrs Green's corner are three boys , I would say they are sixteen or seventeen years. My heart starts pumping faster as I think they might rob me off my phone and once I pass, one follows behind me. He walks besides me though I find that weird, how is he going to rob me walking like that? Weird thief.

"Hi" he finally says.

"Hello" I try to make my voice sound as bold as I can.

"My name is Brandon"

"I am..I am Anna, Orianna"I stutter.

"Between Anna and Orianna which one is your name" he smiles revealing dimples.

"Orianna is my name and Anna is my nickname" I face down.

"Okay Anna, where are you schooling?" He slowed down his pace.

"Northwest school, I am in nineth grade" did I really have to tell him about my grade.

"Really? I never see you at school, I am in eleventh grade" he smiles widely.

"Wow I never see you too, I don't really know a lot of people at school so it makes sense" I half smile.

"Do you mind sharing your contacts school mate?" He smiles and I stupidly give him my contacts. I never give out my numbers to boys but surprisingly to him, I just did.

"great, I'll be sure to talk to you then" he smiles and I nod while waving goodbye to him.

......................... Chapter 2🖤......................

Luckily I arrive home before my parents, they would have scolded me for arriving home at six p.m when I should be home at five p.m.

"My guardian angel is doing a perfect job at protecting me, good thing mama has cooked" I say to myself as I lay down on my bed. I take out my books and spread them across my bed so it seems like I have been extremely busy studying.

I grab a book " After we collided" to keep my self a bit busy while waiting for my parents to get home. Right when I am about to open the fan-fiction novel, My phone vibrates. " Who could that be". I quickly grab my phone from the night stand to check, it is a text from contacts that are not in my phone book.   "Did you arrive safely?" Ashley never asks me such and I have her contacts in my phone book.

"Who is this" I text back.

"Brandon, remember me?" texts back the unknown contacts.

" Oh yes of course, I did arrive safely" I text back smiling. I suddenly hear voices and notice that my parents just got home. I quickly hide my phone under the pillow and pretend to be studying.

" Anna?" Mama calls out, " Are you home?"

" Yes ma, um here"

"Okay, I'll be placing dinner on the table soon" mama says and I hear plates and pots being placed on the rack.

" Will be with you soon" I respond.

I decide to put on my shoes and go downstairs. "Hi mama, hi papa"I smile making my way to the kitchen.

"Hello Anna" they respond at the same time.

After an hour of listening to my mom talk about how she inspired a young girl to express her self in a way that made her comfortable, we finally finish up eating. My parents always preach that dinner time is for bonding with family, I never question them so we talk about our day and how we spent it every night while having our dinner . Right when I am about to clear the table so that I can wash the dishes, mama suggests washing them so that I can study.

"Good night, sweet dreams" I smile and give them each a kiss on the cheek and head straight to my room. I check my phone excitedly to chat with Brandon only to find that my battery has died.

"Agh why did you have to die now, stupid phone" I complain. I change into my pyjamas, pack my books and make it to bed but remember that i haven't charged my phone so I charge it and close my eyes to sleep.

Author's note: I am so sorry I wrote chapter one and two on the same page, I had a bit of a disaster but promise it won't happen again. 'Poetry and novels'🖤

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