chapter 9🖤

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"If it is not my two favorite women In this world" my father says as he makes his way inside the house, puts his bag down on the sofa. He opens his arms for a hug for both mom and I but I dodge his embrace.

"Dad no hugs for me, I am old now" I joke making my way to the wonderfully set dinner table and my stomach growls even more.

"Old? Old or not you are still my little Anna" he says pulling away from mom.

"Heard that a thousand times" I roll my eyes and laugh.

"I see you can hardly wait for your trip" he sarcastically says giving me a smirk.

"She sure can't," my mother answers before I can think of an answer, clearly indicating that she doesn't notice my father's sarcastic remark. My father has always understood me better than my mother would ever do.


I think I'll be doing the dishes tonight" I quickly clear the table after dinner with long discussions of how I am supposed to behave at the trip.

"You don't have to think, of course you are washing those dishes more especially because you won't be home this weekend" my mother makes her way to bed.

I slowly roll my eyes and stick my tongue to her making my father laugh. I keep trying to avoid the fact that I am not really interested in this trip, I can easily play sick but again I need a bit of space from this place. We are just going to Pullman but atleast we won't be Seattle and that is all I want for now. It feels like everything is happening too fast, Brandon and I keep getting distant lately or I can say he gives me a reason to question his actions now more than ever.

I can't help but wonder if he knows Emily and why Ashley would accuse him of flirting with other girls. Emily didn't act weird at all except that she walked away immediately when Brandon approached us.

"If you are not careful those dishes are only going to be reading through your thoughts" my father smiles as he enters the kitchen.

" Maybe they might help me carry my thoughts too" I giggle.

"Are you really okay Anna?" My father stands near the refrigerator narrowing his eyes as they burn into mine.

"Yeah I guess, I'm just nervous" I lie.

"Come on kiddo this is not your first trip' he smiles.

"You mean this is my first trip without my friends dad" I stick to my lie about not wanting to go because of the absence of my friends.

"I know Anna but you will do just fine, I know you will."

" I know dad, I know" I give out a heavy sigh that I had no idea I have been holding.

"Okay now go rest for tomorrow so that you wake up ready and all fired up" he places a kiss on my forehead, pads on my shoulder and goes to bed.

"Fired up you say" I ignore the rest of his response.

Author's note: don't forget to let me know what you think...Te Amo...'poetry and novels'🖤

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