Life at 26

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"Dad! I'm hungry!" my 4 year old son, Sammy, said to me.

"I know, I know! I am too. But your fathers bringing home food with Dean...I hope" I said, whispering the last part.

Okay so rewind, in case you're confused. Basically, John B and I started dating when we were both 16, it was a rough few years, but at 20, we got married. We adopted 2 boys when we were 21. Sammy is 4, and Dean is 8.

We don't live in the best house, I work for Sarah Cameron and her father, for a good part of the day, then pick Sammy up from school at 2. Dean has soccer practice after school, so John B gets him, and brings home dinner. He's always super busy though. He has never spent any time with us ever since we were 24.

Yes it gets annoying, but we both try our best, so it's okay. We barely make enough money to survive, but we do it, day by day.

"Im home!" John B says as he walks through the door.

"It's 6:30, you're late, '' I said, as I wrapped my arms around his waist, giving him a kiss. "Wait, where's the food? and Dean?" I said, an anger building up inside me.

"I thought you were getting him..."

"Why would I be getting him?!?! You get him everyday! What makes today different?" I said yelling.

"I'm sorry, I forgot chill..."

"No, I'm not gonna chill, you left your husband and son hungry, and your other son at practice!"

"I was busy, quitting my job!" He said.

I felt my blood boil, I was pissed. Why would he quit his job?!? When we already barely make enough money?!?

"WHY WOULD YOU QUIT YOUR JOB?!?!? YOU KNOW WE ARE LOW ON MONEY! ARE YOU STUPID OR SOMEHTING?" I said screaming, feeling tears roll down my face.

I didn't say a word to him. I went into Sam's room and picked him up.

"Where are you going?!?" John B said, calmly. I don't know how he was so calm.

"To get our other son and food, you can feed yourself!" I said and slammed the door. I took Sam and put him in the back seat, and buckled him in.

Afte I got both of my sons, and took them to Mc'Donalds, then to the park, then home. When I got home the house was spotless. It was 10 times cleaner than it was when I left.

I wasn't confused though, not even surprised. Whenever me and John B get into a fight he always does something to make up for it, and I always forgive him. Not this time, I'm done.

I put the kids to bed, and went straight to the shower. There was a little note on the mirror that said "I'm sorry, I love you" with a little heart next to it. Even though I had cooled off, I was still pissed. I took the note off, crumbled it up and threw it in the trash.

After I showered I walked into my bedroom, expecting John B to be asleep. I was wrong. I walked into a candle lit room, with rose petals on the bed and champagne on the nightstand.

Then there was a shirtless John B sitting on the bed.

"John B I-" I started to say before he cut me off

"Let me explain. I know I have not been fair to you these past years, and I'm so sorry. I always left you at home to take care of the kids, then for me to just go to sleep. I know you work hard, but you don't have to anymore. I quit my job, yes. But for a better job. With this new job I only have to work 2-3 hours a day. And make twice the amount of money, so you can quit your job. Baby i love you so much, please don't leave me." He said, tears running down both of our faces.

"I was never going to leave you, and i'm so so sorry, i should've listened to you before and, and-"

"Don't apologize sweetheart, you didn't do anything wrong. A few weeks ago, you said that you wish we could go back to 16 because it was fun and simple then,  but now, it's better. We are all grown up, and we have a family, and I love you"

With that I kissed him, I kissed him hard and fast, straddled him and pushed him on the bed.

Kissing wasn't the only thing we did that night if you know what I mean.

I'm so so sorry this one is rly bad.

also please send in request

and at the top is the youtube video i posted of a jj edit so please watch that!

enjoy :)

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