Chapter one

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Well, here I am daydreaming in my sociology class as usual . Mr. Cooper always tell me that I am gifted and incredibly smart but don't use it. To be honest he's right. I am too lazy to use my brain. "Can you please sit properly Emma !" says Mr. Cooper, waking me up from my daydream . The whole class is staring at me right now . Dammit ! I hate this . "I am sorry Mr. Cooper" I say rolling my eyes. Lucky for me the bell rings and everyone starts packing their things. "don't forget your homework for tomorrow " Mr. cooper says when I was leaving the class room. Ugh I want to sleep. "hey anti-social best friend" Sydney says. "hey Syd". I say ."how Mrs. Six 'class going" I ask . "UGHHH!! she's awful Emma for real!". I laugh she's completely right about this. Suddenly I felt ice in my neck and I screamed . "God!! When you are gonna stop these pranks Sky!" the three of us are now laughing . That's what best friends do. Sky and Sydney are both roommates, I live alone face to their apartment . Actually we spend most of days together its like we actually live together. "Any plans for today guys?" Sydney asks. "Mom is coming to spend weekend with me , can't wait . I miss her so much". I say mouth filled by fries . "sounds good" Sky adds . " I have to pee" , I say heading to the bathroom. I am usually anti-social. Sky and Syd are kind of popular. People know me in the name of Sydney and sky's best friend.
I am heading towards our table. Shit! I accidently threw a plate of someone at floor . "I am sorry" I say trying to not be rude as usual without looking at the person, I turn around and expect to see an angry face but what? I see a smile." it's okay ' the guy says with a smile. Cute dimples. I am normally rude with people but I somehow try to be nice with this guy i have no clue why . « hey , i'm Hardin » . « hi , i am Emma ». « nice to meet you Emma . » hardin says . I nod with a smile and go to our table. « WHAT HAPPENED RIGHT NOW IS WEIRD !! » Sky says. They saw me . « you actually havn't talked to anyone in college since you came . And when you talk to someone, you talk to Hardin Holder wow Emma . » Syd says . « wait what? Do you know him? » I ask "who doesn't know him ?" Sky says sarcastically. " Is he normally so nice?" I ask them . "definitely no and that's why I'm saying it's weird" Sky says. " I absolutely don't care . I don't even know him. I was just saying sorry , he probably had a good day that's why he was nice." I say . " uhh! For sure ...." says Sydney looking at sky in a I don't believe her look. It's funny being in a psychology major you and your friends. You all understand each others with body language. But it sucks sometimes especially in moments like this . I walk to my car , I wave at Sky and Sydney to come. " I'm going to Target to buy some groceries before mom come. My apartment is empty since I spend last week with you both" I say . I left school heading to Target. While I was buying some groceries, I heard someone saying "hey Emma" I turn around and then Shock it's Hardin . "Hi" I say , it sounds rude but actually I don't know what to say, I've never been this nervous in my life, so I'm doing things out of my control.
""what you are doing here?" I ask . Why I sound so rude and why do I even care? " uh you know, buying some groceries , I moved into a new apartment close to college" he says . "that's nice , is it close from here?" I ask please say no . "yeah actually it's across the street face to Sydney and Sky's apartment. Wait what? He absolutely doesn't know I live face to them. It means that he can be the apartment next to me I heard noises in the morning so I supposed someone is moving in . But what I didn't know that someone will be Hardin Holder who I threw off his plate this morning and I'm acting nervous around him . And he's hot . " EMMA! Are you listening?" Hardin says. " sorry I wasn't paying attention , say again". That's so embarrassing . " I was asking you about a pharmacy nearby , I need to buy some painkillers and bandages in case of any emergency." ." yes, I could go with you to make sure you don't get lost , well... if you want to." what? I really said this? , I can't believe what I'm doing!! " I would love to" he says . My cheeks flush and I smile . " you have your car ?, if you don't, I can drive you" he offers ." No thanks I prefer walking it's not far from here" I say . " okay then I'll walk with you" Hardin says " No really it's okay you don't have to , I am used to it and I enjoy walking". "I want to walk with you" he says before I can even finish my sentence . " uh ok" I mumble. He smiles and then turn off his car and begin
walking next to me. My heart rates are higher than 100 now and it's getting hot here . We are walking silently , I feel his stare but I continue looking at the floor wow I didn't know I was shy until now. His brown eyes are absolutely beautiful in the sun. we made eye contact it lasted for 3 seconds no more , I looked away . And I , he sees my smile and smiled hardly and his dimples OH MY GODD . I blush . " right here" I say pointing to the pharmacy .
We entered , he holds the door and says " after you". I'm melting. "hey Emma how are you?" Daniel says . I come to here a lot so all of the employees know me "hey Daniel, I am good how are you and your wife? "I say "good" Daniel respond . Hardin ordered what he wanted and payed and we left the pharmacy
"how does the pharmacy employee know you?" Hardin asks . " I come here sometimes" I say hoping he will change the subject .
" sometimes? And you know his name and he knows yours and you know he has a wife? That's weird to be honest" Hardin says sarcastically . "you're so noisy, it's not you business I think so , you know where the store is, I have to leave and bye". I say angrily and left him alone with a lot of questions in the street. I go to my home, sit on the couch and begin eating a Twix because I'm too lazy to make something to eat. I received a text a few minutes ago. I decide to open it.
Sydney: Are you home?
Me: yes
Sydney: ok we're coming
Me: bring something to eat, I'm starving
Sydney: K. u're always hungry anyway
Me: I'm swimmer asshole , just bring the food.
"what's wrong with you Emma?" Sky asks me . But I don't hear her from the sounds of my thoughts. From the moment I left Hardin alone in the street . I keep asking myself questions does he deserve what I did? He was just asking . But he was noisy and I don't even know the dude!
"HEYYY WHAT'S WRONGGG???" Syd asks with a loud voice. They're the closest people to my heart. And they know everything about me. So I end up telling them the whole story " you know Emma we won't judge you because we know why you did this but he doesn't , I think you should apologize". Sydney says. " I don't know, I feel so awful" "you don't have to feel like this we all make mistakes" Syd says with a smile. "why you don't say anything Sky?" I ask her. " I'll say something but promise me you won't be mad" . " I promise" I say with a curious tone " to be honest Emma you have been through a lot. I know your past relationship with Noah wasn't good at all , I know you are dealing with a lot of things . I know you're insecure but that's not an excuse to be rude and aggressive to everyone except a few people . You swim to forget your problems, you are not taking your medicines , it's obvious that you're sick. We just pretend to not see it , you have to think about it" Sky says . " I.....i don't....ugh, I am speechless" i finally say . She's right , Sydney and Sky have always been my best friends since elementary school especially Syd . I have a left lung failure respiration which affects my heart and the cells in my brain. I have this illness since I was 9. But I actually told my best friends only 2 years ago . There are moments in my life which I don't want to take the medicines , it's really boring living on chemicals that surround your body just to breathe normally without wearing a cannula to help you, I refuse to wear a cannula all the time, I only wear it when I find it hard to breathe. My mother used to be over sensitive about it . She made me keep this illness as a secret, I know why and I appreciate her all the time. She told me to not say to anyone because she wanted me to live a normal childhood without any pity or worry from others. I learned fast how to act if I got tired or I couldn't breathe, so it was easier for me to act in school , I just said "it's okay, I am just tired"
At the age of 16 I felt so much loneliness . So I decided to tell Sydney and Sky about it, however it ended up with a lot of people knowing about it . It didn't bother me because no one asked about details and I always laugh about it so it doesn't seems dangerous .well it's not dangerous but it's not safe though .And right now, I don't take my medicines, I don't want to . I don't go to my doctor to check every week. It's too much for me and I'm getting bored . I feel pain in my lungs but I don't care , and I also don't say it hurts . " is your mom coming? Its past eleven and she hasn't came yet" Sky says . " mom cancelled , she said she has a lot of work to do, it's past eleven , I should probably go to sleep. I have morning practice tomorrow , good night girls" . They say good night, and I jump into my bed. I know I won't sleep, when I heard the door shut, I begin to cry, my whole body is shaking now, I pretended to be okay the whole day , I've spent the past 3 years like that . When I am alone I make sure no one is awake and I begin to cry and shaking and do whatever I want without any interruption . And after I left my parents' house to be near my college I started screaming and crying out loud, I normally cry silently but sometimes I like to scream. It's weird I know. I usually cry myself to sleep. I don't usually dream but when I dream, I dream weird dreams , like really weird .
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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2020 ⏰

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