The noise

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Amy looked around the room and set the umbrella in the corner by her dad's coat. Then she looked out the window of the door for a little and decided to just take a nap on the bed.

She lie down on her side poundering about the things that happened in her life. She thought to herself, I wounder what mom is up to? Maybe she'll be back tomorrow or today. Maybe...actually, I wounder...

She was brought back to reality to the sound of someone walking down the hallway. Amy watched the door in hopes of her father comming. But she was disappointed to find that it somebody else.She mumbled to herself,

"I'll just go to sleep until dad gets back."

So she lie there on her side and closed her eyes as she slowly dropped deeper and deeper into sleep. And then she passed out.

"Hey! Wake up sweetie."

Amy groaned in response and woke up to see her dad waking her up.

"How long was I sleeping?

"Well i've only been gone for an hour."

"What took you so long?"

"Well I had to grab a towel for you, then I had to dry myself off, and then I ran into some people and we started talking to eachother."

Her dad handed over the towel and began to walk out.


Amy called out before he could leave the room. He looked behind his shoulder waiting for her to say something else.

"Where are you going and can I come with you?"

"I'm going to work and no you can't go right now. Maybe i'll take you on a tour later, okay?"

She nodded in agreement and she watched her dad leave the room. After he left the room she layed back down and thought, This is going to suck. I wounder if mom was right about about dad. Saying that I should be careful and cautious around him. When she told me this she sounded very scared. Why? I guess my dad was lieing about not hurting mom. Maybe...

"What's that?" She said in confusion.

She cranned her head to listen to what it was. She tried to listen very carefully because it was faint. She had a guess on what it was but she wasn't sure though.

"It sounds like something scratching on a hard surface."

Amy easily dismissed this as rats inside the wall. But she started to notice that the sound seemed to get louder every couple minutes. This made her irritated at the thought of having to listen to it all day until her dad got back. Whenever that was.

Ten minutes later the sound reached a peaking point. Amy tried to cover her ears with the towel and with her hands but it seemed to be in vain. The sound seemed to come from all over the room as it was unbearable to handle. It felt as if the sound would burst her ear drums. And she closed her eyes tightly while covering her ears to try to bear the pain.

She was confused. The sound just disappeared like that? She just sat there for a couple a seconds trying to collect her thoughts back. She opened her eyes and looked up at the door.

Amy flinched in fear as she saw a guy looking at her from behind the door. He seemed to be studying her. This made her nervous as she tried to figure out why he was.

He probably thinks i'm a big wierdo for doing what I did earlier. I wouldn't blame him because I would feel the same way if I saw someone like that. Amy thought.

The door knob twisted and he opened the door. Amy's heart raced as she feared the worst.

"You heard it too."

She was surprised and reliefed at the same time knowing that she wasn't going insane.

He walked closer and sat on one of the chairs next to the bed.

She felt intimidated and scared of him. He had blonde hair, looked to be 16 years old, but the part that scared her was his eyes. His eyes reminded her of a ferocious snake hunting for it's prey. It was a golden color with red splotched and his pupils were replaced with black slits that scared her to death.

"You must be Adam's little girl. Amy, right?"

Amy was baffled that he knew her name.

He leaned closer and said,

"Which question do you want me to answer first? Who are you or what am I?"

She was confused beyond belief and moved back away from him in fear.

"What?" She asked in confusion.

She saw him slightly smile and start to laugh quietly to himself.

"You really don't know anything do you?"

He got up and sat right in front of her grinning widely. No smile suits him at all. His smile seems deceiving.

He put his hand on her cheek and he told her,

"Maybe i'll show you what I really am. But that will cost you your life."

He started laughing again and he got back up and starred down at her. She saw him reach the door and leave with his departing words,

"You'll find out soon...really soon. I'll see you later Amy."

Then he left with that smile on his face which seemed to dig deep into her head. Her heart seemed to beat quickly from the adrenaline of fear going through her body.

She seemed speechless and just gazed at the door not looking away for even a second.

Later her dad opened the door and sat next to her.

"What's wrong Amy? You look spooked."

She looked up at her dad with fear in her eyes as she said,

"A scary guy with blonde hair and creepy looking eyes came in here. He scared me. He kept laughing."

Amy's eyes started tearing up as she hugged her father tightly.

"It's okay Amy. Alex just likes to tease people. He was just lying to you. That's all."

He comforted her until she settled down and stopped crying. He nudged her and she looked to see a sandwhich in his hand.

"Here, take it. You must be hungry."

She took it and started eating it. She was delighted of her father's kindness.

"Im going to leave but i'll be back soon and i'll stay here with you. And don't worry about Alex. He won't hurt you. He just loves to tease people. See you later dear."

He closed the door and left with those departing words.

Amy just sat there thinking about  what Alex was saying to her. What does he mean by wanting me to know what he really is? I hope he doesn't come back. Please don't come back.

The noise started up again piercing her ears with that scratching sound. She burried her ears with her hands and shut her eyes closed to try to bear with the sound even though she knows it wouldn't work at all. 


Her heart sank and she froze with fear. She recognized the voice. It was Alex. He was back. How did he get in here without me knowing...

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