The End (part 2)

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"So we all know the plan, right?" Ben checked.

"Are you sure this is gonna work?" Sabrina asked.

"It has to." Mal said.

"You think you can actually do this?" Evie asked looking at Mal.

"It's going to be hard, but I need to do it. To save everyone." Mal answered.

(Later that night)

Everyone was heading over to meet in the woods.

"Hey Mal wait!" Tommy yelled after her as she was about to leave.

"What?" Mal turned around to him.

"What is going on with Harvey?" Tommy wondered.

"What are you talking about?" Mal asked pretending not to know.

"I know that there's something wrong with him. That's not Harvey." Tommy explained. "So I want you to tell me what's going on."

"Fine." Mal sighed. "Harvey's body has been taking over by this evil thing. But don't worry we're going to stop it." 

"And you're going to get our brother back?" Tommy checked.

"Yeah." Mal lied.

"Okay. Just please be careful." Tommy told her, then pulled her in for a hug.

"I will." Mal promised. 

A few minutes later Mal arrived in the woods where everyone else was.

"Are we ready to do this?" Ben asked looking around.

Everyone was nodding.

"Okay. Jay, you got them?" Ben questioned.

"Yep." Jay said holding up a bag. 

"Okay let's light them up." Ben stated.

Ben, Harry, and Jay took fireworks from Jay's bag and put them around the portal. 

"On three." Ben said. "One. Two. Thre..." 

"What are you doing?!" Harvey shouted from behind them.

They all turned around to him. 

"We're ending this!" Evie shouted back.

"Is that so?" Harvey turned to her, then picked her up by the throat and was lifting her up.

"Stop!" Carlos ran towards him, but Harvey did the same to him.

"Let them go!" Mal yelled at him and hit him with a branch. 

Harvey dropped both of them and they gasped for air. Harvey started walking towards Mal.

"What are you going to do?" Harvey was saying. "There's nothing left for you. You barely see your older brother. Your parents are barely home too. You stopped talking to your best friends for about three years because the popular guy asked you out." 

"Shut up!" Mal said shaking her head and trying not to hear Harvey. 

"Then you lose your boyfriend's trust when you bring up his dead sister. Now you're going to lose your brother and the whole town." Harvey finished.

"I said shut up!" Mal yelled and was going to hit him again, but then he was stabbed from behind. 

As he fell Mal saw C.J. standing there holding a knife.

"C.J.!" Harry yelled and took the knife from her. "What are you doing here?" 

"I wanted to help!" C.J. answered.

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