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A/N: SOOO. I guess not many people have seen the link in the other book. Cause this should have more reads then it has. But :/ here is chapter 1.

Btw I love family guy. A lot. It's like one of the best shows ever.



So I guess I have a brother, I live with 5 guys, my father is dead, my brother is famous, and I live in London now. I'm not sure how much I believe these people. But there are pictures of me and them. And I have this thing called a twitter? What is that? Does it like summon birds to my side? Well I guess I will have to find out. And my hair is pink and black! Ive always liked my long blonde hair. Why would I change it?

"Cece come on. We're taking you home." Harry the boy who claims to be my brother peaked his hwad in to the hospital room. Today I'm leaving this sad little place. I picked up the little bag I had and followed Harry out of the place.

"Harry, I don't feel safe." I stopped and looked up at him. I feel a bond between him and I. I can't explain the feeling but I know I can trust Harry, just deep down in my gut.

"what do you mean?" Harry looked down upon me. He didn't have to look down much, he wasn't a lot taller then me. I shrugged my shoulders.

"I guess I just don't know what's going on. I don't know any one. There is no one from my life before my fathers death that I can be in contact with. And-and- its hard." I let it all out. Harry pulled me into a hug. I still wasn't to keen on physical contact but, I didn't want to make him feel bad.

"don't worry Cece. I will help you through this." Harry pulled out of the hug and placed his hand on my shoulders and looked right into my eyes. I nodded lightly as I let a single tear fall.


So this is my room, I thought to my self as I walked into the slightly girlish room. There were posters of groups of people. One had the name 'The Beatles' written on it. Oh I remember them. My mom listened to them all the time. I let a tear fall as I thought of the day my mother died.


"pwease come home safe mommy." my 5 year old self sated to my mother.

"don't worry dumpling, I will be home soon. I'll be back so quick it will be like I never left." my mother gave me a quick kiss on the forehead, her blonde curly hair falling ontop of mine. I giggled as her hair tickled my nose.

"otay mommy. I wuv you." I said to her.

"and mommy loves you too." she ruffled my hair before walking over to my father. "bye Steve." my mother and him shared a quick kiss.

"good bye Laura." my father said to my mother as she waved back to us with her bright white smile and dimples showing. She walked out the door and I ran to the window to watch her drive away.


'ring ring' "daddy! Te phone is winging!" I shouted to my father. My mother had just left about half an hour ago.

"could you pick it up Cece?" my father called from the kitchen.

"otay!" I said with a cute little smile. "hallow?" I said into the phone.

"hi is mr walker there?" a mans voice said through the phone.

"mhmm" I hummed.

"may I speak with him?" I nodded my head not knowing that they couldn't see me.

"daddy! Phone is fow you!" I out the phone down and moved to the side. My dad picked up the phone and barkey said a word. His face grew pale, and almost depressed looking. Next thing I knew the phone was being chucked across the room as my father cried. "daddy? What's wrong." I asked.

"y-your mother. S-she's dead." I didn't realize it at the time, but my mothers death was the start of all my problems.

•flashback over•

More tears had fallen down my cheeks as I thought of the day my mother died. I wiped the years away and looked around my room to get my mind off of my mother.

I walked over to the door that led to a closet. When I opened it I was surprised by the amount of clothes I had. I walked into the closet and spun around in amazement. I started getting dizzy so I stopped. Once I stopped spinning around I got light headed. I decided to sit down just to be careful. Then I hit the ground.


"HARRY!! GIVE ME BACK MY BRA!" i shouted at Harry as I chased him around the house.

Harry turned around to face me. He stuck his tongue out at me just before he hit the wall. "ow." Harry mumbled.

"that's what you get for stealing my bra." I snatched the bra out of his hand and stomped away.

•memory over•

I opened my eyes and sat up. Did that really happen? I thought to my self. I slowly stood up and steadied my self. I walked out of my room and into the living room, where I last saw Harry.

"hey Harry?" I said quietly from around the corner.

"hmm." he hummed not taking his eyes off the tv as it played the tune to the cartoon family guy. The only show my father allowed me to watch.

"did you ever steal my bra the run into a wall?" I ask him. Once I finish my sentence he whips (A/N: hold the reins and crack the wHip. Put emphasis on the 'H'.sorry. Inside joke.)his head twoards me.

"you remember."


A/N: longest chapter I've written in a long time. Ummm. How should I present the memories? I'm having trouble with that part.

Coo whip-stewie griffin, family guy.


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