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Humankind, continuously fighting for something they don’t understand. Religion, a human creation, is used against others to promote the will of the powerful. Many believe that the universe was created out of nothing, perfectly formed by some ever present being. Other‘s believe that a whole lot of nothing collided together, exploded, and formed what we have today. Tell you the truth, neither one of these are correct, and you may wonder how I know this? Well I was there.

Well, not really there at the epicenter of the entire commotion, but instead floating around, peacefully asleep. Then some jerk goes and decides it is time for everyone to wake up. Now, this is how your universe started. No, there have been many before this time, and there will probably be many more to pass after your world has come and gone.

Now, let me get this straight so you are not confused forever. I am not a God, and as far as I know, there is no such thing. This is actually the first time this has become an issue. You humans are so creative it is terrifying sometimes. With this being said, some readers have probably put down this and walked away in a huff, or thrown it into the nearest fire, but either way is no matter to me.

This is my story, my knowledge, about everything I know about the universe, and of course, who I am and what I do, but we will get to that later. As too the beginning of time, there isn’t one, and this is because in order for there to be a beginning, there has to be an end, and it is this aspect that the universe is without.

Humans, being as short minded as you are (not that you can help it, you barely live a hundred planetary rotations), believe that life, and everything in fact, is a line. This is another fallacy created by humans. Everything moves in a circle, maybe not perfect ones, but circles none the less. For instance, the planets rotate, the circle of birth, death, rebirth, and of course the food cycle. Even you day to day life is a circle: wake up, work or school, home, sleep, repeat; and even outside of this ‘rut’ you life goes in circles: relationships, employment, etc.

Now, comparing this to a universe, the universe is made, goes on for a bit, then dies, and it has been doing this back beyond my first memory. Now some may wonder why, if the universe dies, that I am still around. This is because the universe is nothing but a material object, while myself and others like me stand outside such limitations, outside of such a materialistic realm.

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