New's 😳🔑

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My parents told me that we were going to uncle inosuke house since it was Sunday  I was so happy  because I was going to see kirito San he's my best friend and kirito always take care  of me when we arrive there I saw kanae San and shinobu San they were alone after that I ask 'uncle inosuke where's kirito San ?' Why is he not responding after that he responds 'mmm I think he is in his room '

T : inosuke when are we going to tell them
I : today that's why I call  you guys over here
Z: then what are we waiting for ?
I : we are wating for the others

I heard all the conversation I was so confused what they want to tell us and they are waiting for who I had so much questions in my mind the I feel some touch my head  i turn around and I see kirito San he's  got taller than the last time I saw him when I saw him I had this strange feeling what's this my heart is racing a lot my dad (zenitsu) came up and ask me

Z: are you okay i hear your heart going fast is there something wrong sweetie?
S: a-a t-there's nothing wrong dad I'm okay
K: are you sure teddy bear
S: s-since when you call me like that!!!💢
K: laughs*
S: it's not funny💢💢 tch!

I heard the door ring my dad(tanjiro) went to get it every one came in I was surprised because I haven't seen them in a long time even auntie nezuko was here I think the thing they are going to tell us is big hope fully is not bad

T: since everyone is here kids can you guys stand up
Kids: they Stan up*
I: well we need to tell you Guys something important about us
Z : have you guys heard about the story of demons in this world well


Authors note : what could it be leave a comment and try to guess what they want to tell them  sry If if to short but I try to make it long next time thank you for reading 😊😊

WORDS: 371 🥺

In love with my best friend ❤️ kimetsu no yaiba  tanzen/ kirisaku Where stories live. Discover now