♦️ Chapter Two ♦️

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   The two female Queens soared above the Kingdom Of Fiore, smiling as the wind caressed their faces. Lucy lagged behind Lee a foot because she realized she didn't know where they were going. Lee, being the experienced flyer, at first sped towards her destination only to realize that Lucy still wasn't used to her wings.

"Steady yourself, Lucy! It's amazing that you still remembered the basics of how to fly!" Lee exclaimed in surprise.

Lucy grunted in response, dropping height a little. "Uuhh! I only remember flying a bit as kids and they weren't this big!"

"Put your arms by your side and let your wings be your arms, after you can move your wings involuntarily you can will be able to move your arms and wings at the same time! Just takes time and practice, something we have a ton of!" Lee encourage Lucy with a double thumbs up. (Why does this remind me of The Best Hit...XD)

Lee took the lead and she slowly flapped her wings to land in front of a mansion like guild. Lucy's landing was....a little rough...but she landed nonetheless.

"Here we are, Lucy! The Royals! We are more of a family than a guild!" She presented the guild hall with a mock bow.

The moment she entered, the marble grand hall made her feel like she was in a fantasy. The words Royals were printed on a banner vertically, and underneath the banner were five show cases each containing a different crown with names underneath, however one case remained empty. A showcase held a paper with multiple signatures, some she recognized as higher ups and some she did not know of.

Lee took notice of her curious staring and explained. "These are our crowns, they have no power or particular meaning to them, they are just a show of our power. It was a little..um...arrogant, so we don't were them. They are given to us by our power, after we fully accept our duty." The lilac witch walked over to the empty case and stared in. "You should know why this one is empty. We missed you, Lucy. It's been a while. It's finally time to claim your throne and to join the battle of the good and evil."

"I-I don't understand. What do you mean fully accept my power? I felt the power I got after I remembered everything I was taught, but I have only been a celestial mage." The doe eyed blonde scrunched her face up in confusion.

"Do you remember who your mom was?"

"Yes, of course, Layla Heartfilia. She was a celestial mage as well."

"That she was. But she was also a former Royal, as was my mom. Royal blood flows in our veins, all of our veins. You need to discover your true power, discover your role as Queen of the heavens, Queen of the Angels. They are your allies as demons are mine."

"I don't know what my true power is! How can I accept this if I don't know what power I have!" Lucy tugged a few strands of her hair unconsciously.

"You need to calm down, Lucy. At first, I had no idea what my power was, so I learned every single magic ever to be made. I learned the ancient, the common, the rare, and even created my own magic. Then I met my family, and they helped me discover my power and I helped them discover theirs. Let me introduce you to them, we are all in this together." Lee led Lucy with a steadying hand on her shoulder through the marble hall into the great room.

She could see the main guild hall through the hallway in, but actually standing in it made Lucy feel small. Crystal chandeliers hung from the tall ceiling and black leather couches littered the main room, a sleek black coffee table in between two couches. To the right, a granite counter top laid at the bar, the fridge stocked with alcohol and other beverages.

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