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_____Honeymoon Phase_____

It is yet another sunny day in Los Angeles. Harry is walking down the street with his backpack at the back. He is approaching the cafe when he suddenly sees her. Her beautiful brown skin glowing in the morning sunshine, her long thick curly hair is cascading down her arms to the middle of her back. Her small petite body is sitting outside the cafe Harry usually visits every morning for some breakfast. 

He always sees her here. She would always sit at the same spot, reading the book, and have some morning coffee on the table. At least he assumes it's a coffee. She just sits there carelessly and mighty, like a Queen. She wouldn't really pay attention to her surroundings so when Harry walked past her inside the cafe, she didn't notice Harry's stare. He sits down on his usual table and pulls out his notebook and pen from his backpack. He waits a little while when a usual waitress Rebecca comes and greets him kindly.

"Good morning, Harry," she smiles at her long time friend, already knowing what he is about to order. 

"Good morning, can I please get one bullet coffee and cherry cheesecake," he looks up at her with a bright smile. She smiles back and nods. While Rebecca is pretending to write down an already memorable order, Harry looks out of the window where he can see the girl. He couldn't get his eyes off of her until Rebecca clears her throat. 

"Harry, why don't you go and introduce yourself. You've been literally stalking her for over a month, drooling every morning right onto your notebook you always write into," she exclaims and looks at the girl, too.

"She looks like she is not that open for new friendship," Harry just sighs and shrugs his arms. Then he opens his notebook on a new page, ready to get back into his world and find new ideas for his poem collection. Rebecca just leaves the boy alone, since she knows about his lack of communication. She finds Harry very intriguing. He is kind and very friendly, yet he never really expands the conversation. He is a perfect loner always with his own thoughts, notebook, and pen. He is a very charming young man, even Rebecca became enchanted by his curls and deep green eyes. But she knows she is not Harry's interest and she understands completely, she is just happy to know they are friends.

As much as Harry wants to focus on his thoughts, he just can't today. His eyes can't stop looking at her. She is here longer than usual. Harry just groans in frustration and runs his hand through his curls. 

"Fuck it, I don't wanna be alone, not today," he mumbles and takes all of his stuff. He walks out of the cafe and silently sits down across the girl. She doesn't even look up, which makes Harry suddenly very nervous. Now he just feels stupid for even thinking about this. He looks up to the clear sky trying to think how to undo this last minute. 

He clears his throat and is about to stand up when he hears a sweet calm voice say: "Took you long enough."

Harry's face couldn't hide the shock, yet he realizes soon enough what is happening and shock turned into a dull expression. 

"What do you mean?" he asks and runs his hands through his hair again. He knows what she means, but he is hoping this awkward topic can evaporate into the unknown. 

"I can literally feel your stare every morning," she looks up and checks out Harry's appearance. She thinks he looks lovely.

"I-I never saw you here before," he tries to change the topic. 

"Yes, I came here just 5 months ago for college. My friend recommended this cafe, she said they have good black coffee. But she didn't tell me they also have pretty boys staring the shit out of you," she says with a slight grin and places the book on the table. Harry's whole face becomes red like a tomato and he looks down, not knowing what to say.

"Anyway, I am Summer."

"Harry, it is so lovely to meet you," he smiles and looks into her deep brown eyes. Her eyes match her skin perfectly, as well as the curls that sit around her arms. He noticed how soft her skin looks and how petite she really is. She moves with such grace and the morning Sun makes her skin glow in golden. If he could, he would look at her till the end of the world.

Suddenly he is very shy, not knowing what to say next. As much as Harry has no problem talking to people, now it seems like he lost his voice over her beauty.

"So college... How is it?" he asks and mentally slaps himself. I sound like an idiot.

"So far so good. Are you studying too?" she replies and smiles. For Harry, that smile is even brighter than the Sun itself.

"No, I am not. I am working as a florist in a flower shop near my place. A very nice lady runs it so I am helping her out. And then I am an English tutor for high school kids," he explains his situation and feels a little proud of how his life turned out. He has enough money to survive and he does what he truly likes. But he couldn't miss that he feels so open when he talks to her. He just hopes it won't scare her eventually.

"That's truly wonderful. I am dreaming of becoming a teacher in kindergarten," Summer adds and finishes her coffee. "Well, it was so good to finally talk to you, Mr. Harry. We shall see each other very soon," she stands up and with a smile, puts few dollar bills on the table for the coffee and leaves Harry sitting alone on the most public place where he usually would never sit down.

"So how it went?" Rebecca sits on Summer's spot and suddenly it is not that bright as it was before for Harry. He looks into his open backpack where his journal sits. He pulls it out and on the very last page, he writes golden with his neat handwriting and smiles.

"We shall see each other very soon."

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